16 thoughts on “[23.06.11] YES Entertainment news report”

  1. Oh, JKS is so cute. It feel so good to see him in such a happy mood.
    He sure has the ability to make people around him (the interviewer, the interpreter, the audiences…)feel comfortable.
    Thanks Aphrael77.

  2. With this adorable and charming guy, I really melt. Everyday must listen to his song and see his face, otherwise feel like my day without complete…who can help????? 中毒太深了吧 !!!!

  3. Sukkie is such a TEASE…….and he’s so CUTE in doing that. Watching his video always make me smile.

  4. By the way, can I pass some small gift and letter to JKS directly during the autograph session?? I’m sure I feel too shy before JKS to speak to him naturally. So I’ll write a letter instead.

    • There may be an announcement at the autograph session NOT to pass your gift to him on stage at the autograph.
      I hear that Japanese fans usually abide by the “law” and have integrity in following instructions etc….

      But really, when they make this announcement in other countries, many many fans still passed their gift to JKS on stage.
      And JKS will still accept. So I think you can still pass your letter and gift to him directly.

  5. sigh …. JKS’ toe is injured and he still wants to assure his fans that the Cri Show won’t be affected. Come on, I’m sure eels are more concerned about his toe than whether the Show is affected or not….. How can he dance so energetically in Lounge H with an injured toe??

    I hope the Show will not affect his injury and make it worse!
    JKS will just push himself to put up a good performance! 🙁

    • Still remember the Cri Show Singapore, even he is cold but still insist to sing ‘live’. This is call Profession – Salute

      • Right! Actually I’m ready to cheer for him even if he sings off-key due to this cold ^_^

  6. I think his toe is healing by now and with the bandage should be comforting to wear the shoes. I also had a toe injury but was alright within two days. Accidentally hit on something, it was very painful.
    His vids : I like the way he express “I love you” in Mandarin. Listen again … very affectionate……… cuteeeee. !!

  7. wawa! wo ai ni too.. his traditional korean/japanese bow is very beneficial to him, so polite n honest! yae, feel so touched, 我爱你!!


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