13 thoughts on “[26 May 2011] JKS arrives at Bangkok airport”

  1. He must be tired after a long flight, but he looked happier than Lotte DFS ceremony.
    JKS got back his usual smile!!!! I’m so happy about that ^^

    aphrael, enjoy your BBK Cri Show!!

  2. Hi, he looks happier because he is going to meet all his love eels…I supposed…don’t your think so….

  3. Sukkie is all smiles again as ever,,,
    that was nice!
    aphrael,,, you will see Sukkie again,,, have a nice Cri show with him..

  4. yeap, agree with all of you, we can see his smiles again! 😀
    aphrael, enjoy urself alrights!!! have a blast with sukkie! 😀

  5. Me, too. Glad to see his usual cheerful bubbly smile again.
    Aphrael, take care of yourself, too. Thank you so much for your info.
    Eat a lot of fruits and drink lots of water to avoid stress in this weather.
    Stay healthy always like Sukkie.

  6. There it goes Sukkie with his captivating smile again. Glad to see him smiling ..look much better than at Lotte DFS ceremony.
    Aphrael enjoy your moments with Sukkie – sent our love to him. Remind him to take care of his health and stay healthy for his CRI Malaysia


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