[It’s Show Time] Please check the domestic and oversea winners of the ticket on NOTICE of the official website http://www.princejks.com/! And tonight at 21:00, we start accepting the ticket application openly (from non-members). For more information, we’ll announce it later.
[It’s Show Time] 국내, 해외 티켓 당첨자 공지를 http://princejks.com Notice에서 확인하세요! 그리고 오늘 밤 9시부터 일반티켓 신청을 받습니다. 자세한 내용은 추후 공지하겠습니다.
From JKS
Actor Jang left a message related to the performance. Please check it on the official YouTube channel.
From JKS
장배우가 공연관련 메세지를 보내왔습니다. 공식 유투브채널에서 확인하세요
tenshi_akuma’s note: In some countries, this video is not available to be seen. So a kind eel, Cindy Chen reuploaded it on Dailymotion.
English translation: Hazy Lee from ECI
Hi everyone, I am JKS.
JKS 2016 ASIA tour it’s showtime will begin soon, have not met everyone for a while. During this show, the theme will be “things you like to see and know about JKS” fan meeting. My previous shows have been songs/music focused So having gotten feedback from you, this time will include more time on stories. So please come. Wait for you. See you on July 2nd!
2016 Jang Keun Suk -It's Show Time- by yeunhac53
2016 JangKeunSuk Asia Tour “It’s Show Time” non-members ticket application
2016 JangKeunSuk Asia Tour “It’s Show Time” 일반 회원 티켓 신청
Hi Tenshi,
I sent my request and rcvd email from CriJ to proceed. Managed to purchase a ticket for non member to 2016 JangKeunSuk Asia Tour “It’s Show Time”. But I didnt rcvd yet a confirmation email from CriJ. Payment made last friday. I think it will take sometime for them right? Only after they confirm I can purchase my flight ticket to Seoul
Because of your entry, I finally able to get an update for the non member application. Thanks! I wanted to see his concert at Tokyo but I think its only for Fan Club member. So I will settled with Seoul concert.
Btw, anyone here also going? This will be my first concert of his and am travel alone from Malaysia. Super excited!