21 thoughts on “ANJELL “Still as Ever” live recording from Singapore Cri Show”

    • Really? Thanks… I kept wondering what the title is, and I only heard the words “I will promise you” in the lyrics….lol ….

  1. Just heard the recording! Wow! I’m not at the concert but i can FEEL the excitement! hehehe! All the screaming from fans are so HOT!

    I wonder what did JKS do at those parts where he stops singing and all the fans started screaming…. *wonder wonder wonder*

    Rongling, can share what did JKS do? hehehe!

    • if i remember correctly when you dont hear him sing he actually has the microphone pointing out the crowd so we can sing with him 🙂

      it was an awesome concert

      • Oh i see…..
        *envy envy envy* How i wish i was there….. Sobz :::::(

        But am glad that Rongling shared with us the videos. Thanks! ;p
        At least i can hear how it was… hehee!

      • Same here! I am so addicted to his voice!
        Everyday i must listen to his songs at work! hahaha!
        Even if i listen 100 times/1000times, i also won’t get sick of it! hehehe!

      • Ok. I think dun b so obvious w camera coz bought VVIP seat. Embarassing when get caught. I think use my hp Samsung Galaxy S to try…

      • Carol,

        U mean recording audio or video?

        the reason why I didn’t take any audio was, I was completely enjoying JKS’ songs!
        When it’s a fast song, you’d want to dance along to it (along with all the rest ^^ )
        When it’s a slow song, you’d want to listen to it whole-heartedly …..

        that’s why I couldn’t even pull out my phone to record …. u can try audio recording, but don’t forget to enjoy the show!
        you’ll be so close to JKS!!! * envy *

  2. LOL 🙂

    i wonder why they ban cameras and recording? i mean there was the China media filming but i have only seen 1 youtube which i am in 🙂

    • Thanks for Aphrael puting the lovely photoes, and made it possible for us to share. I always admire her addiction to our Prince, just hope her get more sleep, don’t make her eyes like panda’s.


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