32 thoughts on “[2015-09-16] Tree-J twitter”

  1. Tenshi, ‘m also not a memeber yet. Is there another posibilityforq us new eels!? I’m really hoping so, Im visulaizing I HAVE IT!!!!!!

    • Hi Arcely, I ordered two DVDs through ECNA (Eels Club North America) and I can send one DVD to you. I have paid for two for now. Since today is deadline for ordering for US eels. I just went ahead ordered two. So you can have one. Right now, the charge is $55+$1 (fee) $56 (this is not including shipping, the shipping will be shared between the all ppl ordered and the purchaser will let us know later.

      You can paypal me $56 to springyq@yahoo.com

      My facebook ID is Sarah Ye and I’m veteran member of ECI and one of the admin for Jangkensukforever.com you can trust me.

      Happy to help to get the DVD 🙂 I can guarantee you will enjoy it.


      • Ohhhh SPRING !!!!!! That is AWESOME!!!! Ohhhh I LOVE YOUUUUU ! ILOVE YOU !!!!!!!!! Thank u my dear! ok ok! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. THAN YOU GOD, THANK YOU UNIVERSE! I’M dancing!!!!!! Oh oh ohhhhhh hahahahahaha!!!!! YESSSSSSS!!!

      • I will post the 56.00 tomorrow my dear and please let me know if I will still owe you anything else. AND THANK U WITH ALL MY HEART! GOD BLESS YOU!!!

      • Hi honey, just to let you know that I’ve already sent u an e-mail to confirm with you about the payment I will be making on Pay pal. thank you .

  2. I miss you!! Please comeback either on small or big screen!!!
    I really, really love you prince, you’re amazing. my heart beats for You.
    Thanks a lot dear tenshi.

  3. Hi April, Mayassi, Arcely,

    For non-members the easiest way would be to get fellow eels from your country who are FC members to order for you – then ship to you

  4. There is no public sale on this DVD as yet. It is sold through TreeJ only.

    If you know of friends in your country who are Korean OFC members, they can order on behalf for you.

    The DVD cost US$55, postage is between US$20 to US$45 (decided by TreeJ), depending on your countries. Eg. USA is US$90 with postage.

  5. I’m a FC member but I don’t see the Notice in English on the website. Do we simply email cri_j our ID, contact information and quantity of DVD to be ordered and send payment via PayPal? Will we receive a confirmation from TreeJ when our email and payment are received? Thanks!

    • by the way dear, do u have tree j’s e-mail address? Could you be a dear and post it ? Thank u!

    • Hi Carmen, there is no English notice in the website. But you should be able to make out the key details using google translate. I tried to be as precise as possible, you can follow the below format if you want.
      CriJ6 Nickname:
      Paypal ID (Email): **This is additional as the email I’m using for application is different from the registered paypal email I used to pay)
      Attached with a screenshot of your paypal transaction.

      • Thank you very much for both replies. I wonder why Tree J doesn’t always provide English translations, but it’s so nice to have this blog where all the eels come and help each other out!

    • Carmen,

      Treej did not provide the Notice in English this time for Live In Seoul DVD.

      However the procedure should be the same for the previous Team H Seoul DVD.
      You can refer to Notice 33 dated 26 Jan 2015 – which has instructions in English.

  6. Jezreel, pls let me know your email add…would like your help for getting this dvd. Have some inquiries too about getting his concert ticket. Im from PH, too. Thanks.


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