18 thoughts on “[Fan Account] CRI SHOW III in Osaka_20150314”

  1. Ally, I feel so happy to read your first FA.. really appreciate for sharing your experience and feeling. I’m looking forward to CS3 analog stage as I believe what Suk has shared in his recent interview that he will bring the analog feeling back in CS3 in the digital world….Thanks again for the sharing ^_^

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Reading your words made me feel like I was right there with you. So glad to hear it was a wonderful show.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your first ever FA. Thanks for sharing your experience, Allyson. This is my favorite kind of JKS-related FA as you described his looks, his outfits, and the stage in vivid detail. Since I’ve never attended his concerts, or met him in person, it was thrilling to read these parts in your FA:

    > … he looked like he is suited for the model runway as he looked so good!
    > No sign of ponyo belly … his very broad shoulders … his toned arms.
    > He really looks like a doll! Perfect features.
    > Remembering lyrics is hard so Suk is really really intelligent to be able to
    remember so many lyrics!

  4. Thank you so much for your FA. And thank you for writing it immediately. 🙂

    I have heard a little bit about yesterday`s show and you have put it in the contex with your FA. I would so love to be there, but live far away, and have to wait for the CS3 DVD to see that. Thank you so much for sharing.^^

  5. Hi,
    I really want to attend CriShow3 in Hyogo but I don’t know where to get tickets as all the websites suggested are in Japanese. I can only read English. Which website should I go to buy the ticket. Please help.
    Thank-you very much!

  6. Hi all, there was one segment which I totally forgotten to put it in my FA. Suk sang My Precious and in midway along the song he surprised everyone by picking up a guitar and played along the band while singing. I thought he was ‘finger-syncing’ to portray the image of Kang Myul Gyu as this is the OST of MSOAN. But after sometime, I realized he is really playing the guitar as his hands were moving along the chords! And was pretty a long chord to add. At the end credits, the screen showed the footages of Suk having practices with band, and the music producer Mr Choi was teaching him on the chords of the guitar. We know he is not a professional musician, but i really appreciate his effort to learn and surprise us. He looks so super duper cool playing the guitar!

    • Wow!! that’s our Prince, he will go the extra mile to do things excellently.. He is beyond mediocrity.. Good job Miss Ally for sharing us your FA! 🙂

    • thank you for your lovely FA most touching to read it n of we all wish we could be there, alas.
      omg to read that he played the guitar and sang My Precious!!!! swoon. i love him as KMG!!! in his dramas when he plays a singer he makes me believe that he is truly playing and that he can play, i think he can, but you know…he makes it look…part of him, i think you all would know what i mean 🙂 thanks again, thrilled for you dont know when i can catch him in person, soon i hope. wonder what he’s got planned for after Japan/Monochrome.

  7. thank you for sharing your FA allyson, by reading your experience to the cri show, made me feel so happy.As I run the browser to read every details you’ve shared, I”m putting all into my mind and imagine what exactly happening to the cri show, and feel so excited about it.the details are very precise.we are looking forward for the DVD.. 🙂

  8. Thanks Allyson Liew for this touching FA ! Thanks for sharing your feelings with us! You managed by your words make me dream …. What greater joy can be for an eel than to be closer to him, to hear his velvet voice …. It’s a great joy only to hear nice words about the beginning of CRI SHOW III. He always amazes us, he is in a constant search and desire to do something new, to perfect himself. Congratulations Jang Keun Suk, my dear Sweet Sukkie, be healthy and strong. We are always with you , even though we are so far! Thanks Tenshi for sharing this!

  9. Thank you for sharing the details of how JKS looked that night. Wish I was there to experience it. Thanks again!

  10. Ally, thank so much for the FA! I wish I could get the tickets for hall shows but no fortune yet :). I’m glad that the tickets are all sold out for the hall shows, though! I heard that Arena Show will have a different concept so I’m really looking forward for Budokan Finale Shows :)! I’m sooo thrilled to see him strumming on his guitar on stage! <3


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