15 thoughts on “[Pics-1] CRI SHOW III in Osaka_20150314”

  1. overwhelming just to see him again, even if not being there in person. thank you for sharing. wishing him success for every concert in this new Japan tour. i’m choked up.

  2. Tension’s glad for this effort and thanks.
    I ‘m very far from you,but enjoy reading pm.wishing him success for dear jks.
    Thank you for sharing

  3. Sheesh – he looks so doggone sweet!! Tenshi, you work so hard to keep the fans up to date with the latest available info on JKS. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your dedicated work – you’re just terrific!!!

  4. Beautiful photos. But, for some of us who can not even see Tour DVDs , it is not enough .i am very sad In the few years that I’ve known him, I could not even afford DVDs. I really want to see his videos such as team h on the road, zeep tour, etc.

  5. I’m so excited to see this! I really want to go see his show in Kobe, since it looks like there are tickets still available per his Cri Show website. Tenshi, do you know how I can purchase them directly from the website? I don’t speak Japanese, and the google translate isn’t helping much. :/

    On a side note, I was alerted that my Monochrome album is arriving today!!!!! So excited to pop it into my car and go for a drive, listening to our dear Jang Keun Sukkie. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  6. Dear Tenshin, could you please inform me how to get the DVD from his all Monochrome concerts in Japan?


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