[2014-10-21] CRI-J staff twitter


[CRI-J 6th admission] How to apply for CRI-J 6th membership! Don’t forget to apply with your own name! We will compare your information of your passport and photo with your actual face at events held in Korea. If there is a difference, you can’t enter the event or get the souvenir. Please register your name in English, the same as the one written in your passport. And your nickname should be filled in with alpha-numeric characters, too. You can’t use Chinese characters.
[CriJ6期入会]29日始まるCriJ6期入会申請! 必ずご本人の名前で申込んで下さい! 韓国イベントの時、パスポートと顔対照で顔違いの場合、入場不可、記念品貰えない、払い戻し不可です.必ずお名前はパスポートと同一な英語でニックネームも英語と数字で入力して下さい.(漢字不可)

4 thoughts on “[2014-10-21] CRI-J staff twitter”

  1. I would love to see My Prince, what is he doing recently?? Is he hiding somewhere? He is the oxigen for my lungs, the beating of my heart! I need to see him to be alive!! Do you know anything recently Tenshi??

  2. Oh thank you so much Tenshi for the information! Yes I think the same too, he must enjoy that time for himself where there is no cameras and people following him all the time, just being a normal person like everybody else.


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