25 thoughts on “[Pics] Creasta vol.25”

  1. Irresistible Suk ♥ So unbelievably handsome.

    It says “cover special interview” with JKS. I hope that we can read the interview eventually. Thank you for always keeping us updated, Tenshi. 🙂

  2. unique and very handsome..you are the prince of all the princes on earth..i really like you my dear JANG GEUN SUK,,mmmwwwaaahhhh!!!

  3. I am very curios sister Tenshi, I know that you have seen my prince from very close distance. Does he smell good? Do you know what cologne he uses???

  4. The real killer who could kill anyone only with this pair of piercing eyes. Goodness me, who could survive my Sugar’s look!!!


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