[Notice] We will hold 2014 Jang Keun Suk birthday sharing photo exhibition in Japan, too!!
■OMIYA SONIC CITY (exhibition hall 2)
■More details will be announced later.
(All the donation will be contributed for the victims of the big earthquake)
[お知らせ] 2014チャン• グンソクお誕生日記念分かち合い写真展を日本でも開催します!!
■大宮 ソニックシティ (第2展示場)
tenshi_akuma’s note: TEAM H arena tour in Saitama will be held during the same period.
[Event] We hope this small bucket will help to spread the sharing widely~^^ We wish Actor Jang ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ success.
[이벤트] 이 작은 양동이가 큰 나눔으로 널리 퍼졌으면 좋겠습니다~^^
배우 장근석님의 아이스버킷 챌린지 성공을 기원합니다
Thanks for sharing,absolutely see TeamH Arena tour in Saitama on November
Sharing is caring..our boy is really insightful…surrounded by equally good people..his Staff and eels are daebak!!