[2014-08-21] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

UPDATE: His response about ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ and my personal thought

Jaejoong: Actor Jang. I ask you to join this, too.
JKS: Wake not a sleeping lion.. The countdown starts.

“@bornfreeonekiss: @AsiaPrince_JKS 장배우 그대도 참여바람. pic.twitter.com/vOQxHwYxtN”ㅡ잠자는 사자의 코털을 건드리지 말라.. 카운트다운 시작.

tenshi_akuma’s note: What Kim Jaejoong did was ‘The Ice Bucket Challenge’. The Ice Bucket Challenge, sometimes called the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on one’s head or donating to the ALS Association in the United States. It went viral throughout social media during the Northern-Hemisphere summer of 2014 and it has spread all over the world now. You can see the detail from ALS Association website. The challenge involves people getting doused with buckets of ice water on video, posting that video to social media, then nominating others to do the same, all in an effort to raise ALS awareness. Those who refuse to take the challenge are asked to make a donation to the ALS charity of their choice. Usually the participants nominate 3 people after they join this campaign. Jang Keun Suk was already nominated by Taiwanese artist, Kris (I don’t know if they are close or not). Jaejoong officially nominated other 3 Korean artists, but he personally asked Suk to join this!!!! For Suk, it was his beloved Jaejoong who nominated him to join this campaign, not Taiwanese artist. That means it must be almost impossible to reject his offer..? So what will happen in 24 hours?

Jaejoong: Get set… Go!
@AsiaPrince_JKS 시…땅!

Sorry. I will donate money instead. T_T
미안. 대신 기부할게 ㅠㅠ

tenshi_akuma’s personal thought: To be honest, when I knew he didn’t pour icy water over his head, I felt relieved. But, at the same time, I felt sorry that eels made him to say sorry… *sigh The purpose of this ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ is to raise ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) awareness. In this sense, I’m sure this campaign is very very successful. But personally I’m afraid that this might be a temporary awareness. I bet we will remember this ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ event for a long time, but how about the understanding of this disease? Thanks to a creative originator of this campaign, we have come to know ALS and their symptoms to some extent. But we shouldn’t leave it just as one of summer memories in 2014. I know many eels, even including CRI-J staff were looking forward to his participation, pouring icy water over his head. But he decided not to do it. Were you disappointed? I hope you’ll respect his decision and understand the original purpose of this campaign.

Let me share my personal thoughts more here. Well, I’ve just followed this campaign very recently, so I’m afraid there might have been more artists who showed their original way to support this campaign, but I’d like to share some here. One is Actor Kaneshiro Takeshi (金城武). He wanted to make this awareness longer, not as just a fad. And he also showed his concerns to all people who’s suffering. He didn’t nominate any. He said “It’s not necessary to challenge. Voluntary love and support to the society is more important.” You can see his challenge from here. The other is 2PM Nichkhun. He tweeted as follows. “It’s important to save lives but it’s also important to save water. Sorry to disappoint you all. I will donate for a good cause instead.” He also apologized to those who expected him to do the challenge… Why they need to apologize? This campaign sounded a bit compulsion to them? If so, it’s a pity… Using icy water, we can feel how our muscle becomes atrophic even for a short time. Pouring it over our head might be easy to understand the situation, but I think just soaking our hand or foot into icy water works well. Even seeing the mark of pouring icy water works, I suppose. As you know, Jang Keun Suk is a great actor. He’s really good at identifying with others. Even though he didn’t pour icy water over his head, I think he already felt the ALS patients’ symptoms. I think it’s more important and meaningful than just one challenge. Well, I admit it’s not a good example, but I will use it here. Do you know umeboshi (Japanese pickled plum)? Once you eat, you’ll know how sour it is. For Japanese, just seeing umeboshi makes us excessively salivate. It’s a kind of Pavlov’s conditioned reflex. So when we see or touch icy water from now, even we haven’t experienced pouring it over our head, we can remember ALS people. Not forgetting ALS and patients of other diseases is more important. What we can do for making the world better? I’m grateful to have such a chance to think it over through this ‘Ice Bucket Campaign’. Thank you all. I love you.

38 thoughts on “[2014-08-21] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter”

  1. Ah… two challenges officially made for him :). He’s up for the good cause, I believe… just curious of his own way of taking the challenge ;). Go Keun Suk, GO!

  2. Hahaha…this must be like hazing…before MS..they get to bath in snow too..
    Let’s wait and see if our Lion will take up the challenge

    GOGOGO….ZIKZIN Sukkie!!!! is a piece of cake 😛

  3. I´m sure Sukkie will take a challenge. He will maybe even make a video, and send it to us on LINE or twitter. He is that kind of man 😉

  4. Verdad que aveces hay que lanzar retos para que otros ayuden, Zikzin como dice JANG KEUN SUK de verdad Zikzin siempre.

  5. Ya que estamos comentando de JANG KEUN SUK puden transmitir completa la cancion de TEAM H llamada I,m So Ghetto me gusto el avance que escuche de esta cancion, el titulo en español es algo asi como Yo soy Barrio y lo digo alto y con orgullo YO SOY BARRIO, barrio o ghetto es el lugar donde naciste o te criaste, puede ser barrio pobre, medio o de ricos pero al final es un barrio donde convives, me encanto esta cancion por favor si alguien ya tiene la cancion completa de TEAM H por favor subanla en internet. GRACIAS.

  6. My friend in Seattle is challenging me to do the ice bucket challenge so I am going to see if a couple of friends will help me. I am doing it because it is fun plus it is refreshing and I am a Electric Eel! Let’s all do this challenge Eels!

  7. Suk made a good choice. I dont like it too..I think the objective is good but its not necessarily to do that.there are many other good thing to do but as we know people today tend to follow the trend but suk is otherwise.

  8. Thanks for adding your personal thought, Kaori-chan :). I am fine with his every decision. This kind of campaign does not intend to burden people but to help. In the end, it’s the thoughtful gesture to raise awareness and the donation that matter :).

  9. I will respect his choice,I believed he will make his own decision for any good cause,love you my Sukkie

  10. Oh, Tenshi, it was nicely said. I must say that I felt relieved too.

    I think it´s even better to donate money. JKS didn´t need to say sorry. I just thought he would do that since he always is playful,( and like to splash water on people LOL). But he probably has been advised not to do it. He is very active now, and people around him probably don´t want him to be sick or injured.

    He has already drawn our attention on the ALS. I didn´t know anything about “The Ice Bucket Challenge” until yesterday. He doesn´t need to dump a bucket of ice water on his head.

  11. No need to say sorry Prince. Each of us have our own opinion on things. For sure, like other people, even you didn’t accept the challenge you still sympathize to ALS patients.

    Thank you for your thoughts Tenshi. The first time I heard about ALS I was very clueless. Now I am more aware of it. It’s truly sad, but it’s another thing that is really out of our control. Let’s pray for them instead. That’s the least thing we could do I think. Have a good night everyone! 😉

  12. Thank you for share your toughts ,agree with him ,for me is better help ,donate some money to an organisation or fundation not this kind of game .

  13. I don’t know why peaple do this action in my mind the most important thing is to percept them & help them with giving money .the way that my prince chose is the best way

  14. Thanks Tenshi for your love and sharing your thoughts with me…
    I must admit when I heard Suk was challenged I wanted to see it..and first reacted like many others.. but than I started to see so many artist doing it also and I was asking myself…are they really aware of ALS and promoting this to their followers to have more attention and heart for this illness or is it just because it’s a hype..
    This morning I woke up and saw a picture on FB, the top part a picture of many people pouring icy water over their heads and the bottom part a picture showing how people had to work hard, walk miles and miles just to be able to fetch some drinking water..and it got me thinking and cooled down my desire to see Suk do the challenge..
    I was relieved to read his tweet he declined the challenge and instead donated. I’m very happy with that..
    Althought our Sukkie seems “frivolously palyfull” at times..he is a deep thinker too.. He posted the link about ALS first with the challenge on his weibo…and almost a day later his message he would rather donate..
    I saw a chinese drama “starlit”; this drama was made to get more attention for ALS too.. after watching that I could sympathize with ALS patients and the people surrounding them.
    So Sukkie..you don’t have to be sorry… the challenge was..pour or donate..you choose what was right for you..ZIKZIN…and that is alright with me I second your choice

  15. I think it was the best decision finally. Thanks Thensi for your beautiful words. I´m so proud of you. I love you too.
    Thanks my prince for this life lesson. Thanks for sharing your money with non healthy people, I hope it will be well used. Zikzin

  16. He is really wise, what’s it benefit for this illness? How?
    who can say I feel those painfully symptoms ? No , nobady…I had seen these ill people when I was nursing student…Mr Jand had very nice decision , if it was another way , I doubt him as my intelligent man, very nice good for him♡♥thanks alot dear Tenshi

  17. I respect his choice and i am relieved that he didn’t accept the challenge. With respect for
    ALS patients i think that money can help more than the challenge. I wish a better life for all the people in this world and less suffering. I hope that JKS feels better now.

  18. Mmm….so he’s donating. Its a more helpful thing to do but really…I was hoping to see a shaking, screaming, wet JKS on video.

  19. Some people really dont understand the challenge. The challenge is, if you get nominated you will have to do the challenge in 24 hrs., otherwise you will have to donate or double your donation. What JKS did was right, he didnt do the challenge, instead donated to the cause. Kudos to those people like him who doesnt use charity to be famous. If you want to help, just help!

  20. i hope that he take the challenge .it will be so much fun.i want to see that he is doing this . but i think the time is out .


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