9 thoughts on “[2014-07-23] Tree-J twitter”

  1. Actually I don´t like horror stories, specially now that I’m alone at home because my boys went to the beach for a few days.I feel great by myself but my house has its own history, years ago in the kitchen, the previous owner committed suicide. Daebak, scary! I don´t get up for water at night, no way hehehehe. Vampires or something else aren´t scary to me
    But real people YES
    Tell me your history…pl

    Have Sukkie dreams guys!!!

    • O my Rossie…for real?
      I don’t think I could live in that house…esp if I would know..your are so brave lol
      But as they say..real people can be far more scary than dead people

    • Rossie,

      I am a chicken 🙂 I never watch horror movies except for the Twilight saga. The cinematography of the 1st one was soooo beautiful! The special effect of this series is also interesting.

      Maybe you need a priest to bless your house? or better yet, have Sukkie bless it 🙂

      Happy Sukkie summer!

    • Oh Rossie, that is scary! You should send your story to Sukkie. 😉

      I´m like you, Amyli. I just pretend that horror movies don´t exist. Love Twilight too, but it´s not scary at all, scary level minus 2, I think. LOL 😀


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