About how to apply for tickets of ‘The Proposal of Jang Keun SUk’, please check the notice on Staff blog of the official website. Tomorrow is the day Korean official members start to apply for the tickets. For oversea members, you can apply for them on 17th and 18th.
장근석의 프로포즈 티켓 신청 공지 공식홈페이지 스텝블로그에서 확인해주세요. 내일은 한국 정회원 티켓 신청하는날입니다. 해외 정회원들은 17일~18일에 신청해주세요.
tenshi_akuma’s note: Already the notice for oversea members has been released on STAFF BLOG. Please read it carefully.
I just wish in the future i can go to one of his fan meetings or concerts or even happen his shooting..