Credit: soompi
Actor Jang Geun Suk just might revive “Beautiful Man”’s flagging ratings with his willpower.
Jang Geun Suk is currently starring in “Beautiful Man.” He once said that he would like to make a name for himself as an actor, and it’s clear that his strong willpower is still ever present.
Playing the male lead Dokko Ma Te on KBS 2TV’s Wednesday-Thursday drama “Beautiful Man,” Jang Geun Suk is undeniably the center of the drama, and his name cannot be omitted when one brings up the drama. However, the drama hasn’t been doing too well in the ratings battle, with the recently ended “The Heirs” eating up most of the viewership pie. With two new dramas from SBS, “Man from the Stars,” and MBC, “Miss Korea,” starting tonight, we will just have to wait and see which card viewers end up picking in this drama shuffle.
Jang Geun Suk revealed why he picked this project, saying, “I believed that the acting as Dokko Ma Te would push me to the next level as an actor, as Dokko Ma Te meets each of these ten women and shows a different side of himself to each, and grows with each experience. I was really excited while waiting for filming to start.” He declared that that he wanted his name to be synonymous with that of an actor.
“I’m feeling a sense of responsibility for saying that I wanted to make a name for myself as actor Jang Geun Suk. Those are the words that I said, and while others may laugh at me, I will do my best to keep that promise. That is my life’s motto. I want to show my sincere acting to the television audience through Dokko Ma Te.”
He added, “I believed that if one concentrated, read the script and acted using their head, and gained experience, anyone could do it. However, I think rather than using my head, I have to act from my heart. That is something I am eager to do as an actor.”
Jang Geun Suk started as a child actor, debuting at the age of five. He’s been around in the industry for more than twenty years, and he’s been a big star for quite a while now. He says that he would like to approach television viewers with his sincere acting, rather than just rely on star quality. He’s realized that acting cannot be done mechanically, and is constantly putting in effort to look for what that something extra is. That is why, as the center of “Beautiful Man,” Jang Geun Suk is taking responsibility and showing his devotion to honing his craft.
Jang Keun Suk determination to face any situation is really inspire. Never quit. The end result is not what’s important. It’s the journey that makes the man who he is and what he can become.
Maybe it is because I’ve been an Eel for 2 years now… and have watched most things he’s been in. Or maybe it’s just I’ve come to know what a special and hard working person he is, but I can really SEE the effort he has put into becoming Dokgo Mate. Of course, some scenes will be easier than others… some emotions easier to display. But his skill as an actor for me, has never been in doubt.
I never doubted him! I always trust him! and one thing is for sure if the actor is not good he won’t survive in this industry, and his over 20 years in the industry made all the people laughing at him eat their words. Fighting Beautiful Man!
Oh I just love watching him. Not like creepy stalker watching but I like watching his shows. He’s good at this. This show is enjoyable and chocked full of offbeat characters. Keep up the good work so we all can laugh, cry, get frustrated and yell at the screen over how pigheaded everyone is being. Enjoy!
Whoaaa… That’s the real actor is! acting from the heart. Fluttered reading his statements huhuhu…Go Jang Keun Suk!!!
Hi every body and thanks alot sister tenshi .
My dear love keunsuk always dose his best
Idonot know why korean donot like this ,,beautiful man,,whileothers are the same!
what we saw of him and what we enjoy from his work, we will always support him because we eels! his eels! but besides that he’s not just satisfy us, he has proved his talent is so big, with wholehearted he gives his dedication to the entertainment industry in korea. I think if a person think clearly, regardless of jealousy because they have other biases, they will recognize the greatness of Sukkie.
Sukkie..jyo zikzin!! BM jyo zikzin!!
Mateの役は、チャングンソクにしか出来ないと思います。回を重ねるごとにキャラが変身し、まるで別人になる。他にそんな役者がいるだろうか…俳優 チャングンソクはすごいと思います。視聴率だけが全てではないと私は思います。
Would like to know whats written here… Kaori, could you please translate?
wow man ur such a brilliant actor.ur facial expressions are fabulous.ur smile wow i am just fallen for u because of ur innocent cuttttteeeeee… …….ur awesome …….love u u u u always…saranghae
jks so sincere ,so hardworking ,so kind ..i love him more and more …thank you
He’s a truly hard working & naturally talented actor, no doubt about it. hopefully this drama will help him to improve, as he wishes :).
jks is such a talented person that the world knows.really i am missing ur long hair..and this hair style is also nice and you are looking manly…..ur always cute….definetly ur going to rock…..fighting…..momo
of course he is a great actor and this time even the korean media are praising him and that is a first ??!! and the drama is really fun and unique , so what are the reasons for this really low rating
of course he is a great actor and this time even the korean media are praising him and that is a first ??!! and the drama is really fun and unique , so what are the reasons for this really low ratings ??!!
This is Jang Keun Suk’s top quality that I really admire since I know him.. He has this strong will power that no matter what happen, he will never ever give up. He’s broad minded & his thinking is way mature than his age. He do what he love the most without complaining about it or just to please anyone… He’s a multi-talented entertainer that challenge himself to do the odd things rather than sit in his comfort zone. I respect his frankness, in Korea it is very rare to see any artist to show their true colours..their image must be zero defect…it’s funny though.. They are human and human makes mistakes as a tool to grow up.. So that’s why I’m so thankful that JKS did not follow yhe trend.. Keep fighting till the end JKS. Eels will always be with you. Jyo Zikzin!
Yes I so agree… him so much….. I hope he never change his mindset about his drive and dreams….he’s a real man, standing strong and upright, taking full responsibilities for his actions …he is his biggest critic
I agree!
Keun suk is great actor
Don’t care for them >< who is wrote this article ah :/
I just love JKS’ fighting spirit and determination over his work.. It shows how he love what he is doing thats why whatever the result of the rating is he always accepts it with heads up..fighting Sukkie! And more project to come..
He such a hardworking person and has real talents. He will not survive and last for 20 years if he has only the face value. Sukkie is the total package.
I follow him for 2 years and I think it is a great actor. Coon this novel, I Riedo, crying, angry around a bit and only succeeds with its expressions and sometimes I see no subtitle, just look at it and understand everything. That’s perfect.
This is why Sukkie is different from the other Korean actors because he is true to himself and his fans!!! No pretense just the real Jang Keun Suk!!! What you see is what you get and that’s what’s great about him!!! Don’t let these critics or ratings bring you down. Don’t ever give up because so many people around the world loves you!!! Keep smiling!!! Zikzin!!!
JKS, just stay true to yourself and you have nothing to worry about… You ARE a great actor (one of the best in Korea, in fact) and no one can say otherwise!
Peace out!
he is already a brilliant actor, natural without overacting or pretentious, he just needs to pick more serious and diversified projects. Bel Amy doesn’t take itself seriously though it really got the right and material to do so along with such brilliant actors. However i’m really enjoying this drama i even watch the episode twice at the same day “never done that before”.
And I would say, the 2nd and the 3rd time you will watch it, they more you will get insights.