Based on “You are Beautiful”, sweetheart idol Jang Keun Suk has captivated the hearts of hundreds and thousands of girls. His arrival in Hong Kong in 2010 was indeed a grand affair for K-fans. Although he is not a singer and has only sung a few television drama soundtracks, he sings excellently and as a result, his fan-meetings often resemble a concert in the making and has earned him much reputation.
The organisers are, of course, hungry for more, and so on 30 April 2011, “JKS Cri Show 2011” will be held at Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre. Ticket prices have reached a new high, with the VIP ticket price selling at HK$1,280.
JKS has many Chinese fans, and he spent 3 months last year with them on his fan-meeting tour. All along, JKS has plans to produce a Chinese EP album in acknowledgement of their importance to him, but upon his return to Korea last year, JKS was bogged down with “Marry me Mary” filming and many promotional events and so he didn’t have time to prepare for this.
His plans are not shelved though; JKS hopes to realize his plan of producing his Chinese EP album this year. JKS is going to Hong Kong on 28 April, and has been immediately invited to attend commercial events.
In order to thank fans who have bought VIP tickets, JKS will hold an additional autograph and photo-taking session on 30 April. No wonder JKS is the organisers’ guarantee of ticket sales!
Credits: Hong Kong newspapers香港明報周刊
Shared by: Sukstar-HK @ Suk Baidu Bar
English translation: Aphrael77
[04-02] 張根碩計劃出國語碟 (香港明報周刊)
….. does JKS have too many things on his plate? Drama, movies, fan-meetings, all the JKS merchandise he’s generating, media/magazine interviews, and of course the BIG thing this year is he’s officially launching his 1st music album in Japan. (not that I’m complaining, since us fans benefit from so much JKS ^^, but I’m just concerned about his hectic workload….)
We’ve heard him sing in Korean, in English, in Japanese and now he’s going to attempt singing in Chinese? OMG …. of course, I’m in favour of it, since I like listening to Chinese songs (being my native language) …. but Chinese is a difficult language to learn… but I suppose if the EP only contains 1 song, then it is feasible …
Then again, the language that I love to hear JKS sing in, is Korean, because I think his Korean singing is wonderful ^^
I suppose we’ll know when JKS wants to go international, because my guess is he’ll want to produce an English album!
oh ya, just occurred to me that JKS could run for some music award i.e. the singer who has sung in the most number of languages
I think he should release an english album.coz in bye3 theres a lot of english vocabs,and hes doing good at it,besides eels from all around the world would understand the song and could sing along,instead of just humming along hehe…
Even if he sings in alien language, I will still listen to it 24/7. I’m totally addicted to bye bye bye now….
alien language …. LOL ^^
hahahaa .. everything about him, we’ll follow >>>
I don’t like chinese song ( I don’t understand at all ^_^ v) but if our JKS sing it I defenetelly will love it he he…
yeah we all love him and forgot about our preference, as long as it is related to him, we will like it !! amazing !
i hope he starts film making too
I love jgs forever
yes I agree with Debora even JKS sing in alien language I will support and like it
selamat untuk Jang Geun Suk,
semoga akan terbukti,menyanyi kan lagu cina,
apa lagi lagu indonesia
Jang Geun Suk !selamanya!
wow,i guess that’s a lot for him to do so,thanks a lot for caring so much for us Chinese eels.fighting!
He’s a very hard-working, smart and professionnal guy, I love that! If he wants Asian superstar status it’s gonna take work and he’s doing what it takes for it! I wonder if there will be an english version… Let’s see…
oh i’m going to wait for an english album.. hope it will materialize.. my hubby asking me why i’m listening to a song that i didn’t understand.. but i don’t care as long as i hear JKS voice singing i felt so happy and energetic.. it’s really inspired me.. so i’m hoping for him to produce english songs..
yes, i love his voice – warm and gentle when he’s singing slow songs. he puts a lot of feelings into his singing.
And the melody is great too! ^^
I love his voice, so deep and rich yet emotional. Even, his performance in “Marry me, Mary” keeps my heart overflowing! It’s like a live show for me. I enjoy every minute hearing his voice, his song although in Korean. I thought rock music was nosiy, but I love this rock song, “Butakae My Bus” very much! He’s so cool singing on the stage show. Look at the way he plays the guitar like a rocker. He really touches my heart and I can’t forget. He has changed my taste for music and life. He’s good in English and it’s best to hear him sing English song becos’ I can understand the words so well especially “Fly me to moon.”