25 thoughts on “[31.10.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter”

    • JJ..just looking forward to BM….we waited soooo long…..
      I’m sure the team will bring us a good product..you will always have people who will find fault in everything…and spend their precious time complaining about it….wonder if these people are fans of anyone…because since I’m an eel I only have eyes and only choose to devote my time on my Sukkie…
      Btw…I don’t read their page…don’t want to ruin my good mood and day

      • @ Mamacri,

        Don’t worry, is just for information only. Some good ones I will laugh and the bad ones I will just forget it. But is good to look at these feedback to improve and do better in the future.

    • JJ…stay ZIKZIN happy always 🙂

      Ooooooo..we gonna see our prince very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I really can’t wait to see his character Mate…

      Think I’m getting “Jang Mate” crazy already…even I have not seen anything yet…but the prospects are so tempting we all can imagen and taste Sukkie playing it…

    • Hi JJ! Never take the of KoalaPlayground seriously. Ever since Suk has been so successful after YAB days, that person always writes all the negative things about Sukkie. I guess that person is one of those who cannot accept how Suk was able to succeed against all odds, against all the preconceived bias about everything he did. And more so that they cannot accept that he was able to establish trends, way way ahead than his contemporaries.

      • Daryl, I agree with u…I was there once and notice those comments are so ignorant.. either I bombard the site with facts or ignore totally ^_^ I will bring those who want facts to this blog instead….lol!

      • Not only Koalaplayground, Dramabeans too! (They are sister sites)
        I noticed that the often the writers are prejudiced, and many of their followers are antis.
        Never seen so much bashing to a Korean Star. I wonder who stirred up this shit first?
        They may as well start an “Anti-JKS” group.
        I totally don’t bother to check out these sites even though they may give pretty good reviews on Korean dramas.
        They have to learn a word called RESPECT in their dictionary first as I find them totally rude.

    • JJ, I understand your feeling. I used to worry too much about Sukkie or Beautiful Man becoz I focused too much of negative comments on some websites.

      I don’t feel worry any more. Especially, when Sukkie told us, eels, not to worry too much about the Beautiful Man, and just to enjoy the Drama. If this Drama will not gain HIGH rating in Korea, the Drama will still be success somewhere else.

  1. to be honest as much excited i’m for this drama . i cant deny that i’m really worried about the ratings , and i know we eelS will not care about the rating cuz the most important thing is to watch sukkie act again , but it is sukkie that i’m worried about 🙁 , if this drama has low rating , (witch i hope it wont ) sukkie will be really really sad and may not work on drama again for along time 🙁 so i pray every day that this drama , will be a successful come back to him 🙂 BM fighting !!XD

    • Randa, did u see the Eng sub version of what Suk told eels during one of the concerts or FM… just to enjoy the drama and not to worry about rating as he knows many eels are…but Suk said leave the rating to him n the production…I guess from what he said..it may means enjoy his work…the rating may be secondary to him as we know this kind of drama story may not appear to those who watch TVs in Korea(mainly older generation who may be more interested in historical drama or serious drama, family oriented dramas etc..) manga based drama are more appealing to the internet generation who don’t watch from TVs…like us..so if majority of us don’t contribute to TVs rating, how can we base on TVs rating to gauge if the drama is popular or not…

    • well if this drama fails in ratings, it would be his own fault for choosing stupid script . and i heard he tuned down a role from the famous empress ki to do this drama . and empress ki is for sure is gonna be awesome and killed the ratings in first ep .. so he has a very lousy choices when it come to drama’s ever since YAB and stoped challenging him self in acting and stick to this beautiful bad boy concept which changes when found love 🙁

      • and to be honest i fell really sad for IU who’s has successful career and just put her album and a successful 50 ep drama. and busy till her head with work , will totally goes away if this drama fails in rating 😛 , i felt bad for her when she accept the role which i think will be a bad choice from her and will gain nothing but being tired form her busy scedual except maybe a real fame in japan due to JKS

      • Clover,

        I agree with you.

        Suk challenged himself, and WON when he acted in YAB, HJY, BV and Itaewon Murders.
        The subsequent shows like MMM and LR and the upcoming Beautiful Man is no challenge at all – cos we all know he can bring the characters to live easily without much effort on his part.

        But not any actor can – and even if they can, may not have been able to play the roles so successfully.
        Which may be why it doesn’t seem like a challenge for him.

        But he has been challenging himself ever since YAB :

        * He tried being a singer and was successful with his Just Crazy album by topping the charts and breaking records.

        * He held a concert in Tokyo Dome for 40,000 and again broke records.

        * He DJ-ed as Team H and held numerous Team H parties in Japan and Asia and was invited to perform in Summer Sonic and Zushi Festivals.

        * He successfully held a never-seen before Zikzin Festival in Osaka and Tokyo

        * He has launched a successful Zikzin Lifestyle brand in Japan, in the building he bought in Shibuya.

        * And now while filming BM, he is concurrently recording for his new Zikzin Radio program, holding fanmeets in Korea for his Chinese and Japanese eels, holding his series of Zikzin Zepp concerts in Japan AND preparing for his 3rd Team H album and 3rd solo album.

        So while you may be right that he is not challenging himself as an actor in different roles, I think he has reached more peaks in other areas than any other known person.

        And all the time he does it happily, without regrets and enjoying himself with his beloved eels.

        And all that is why I am so proud to be JANG KEUN SUK’s eel/

      • Clover, u again with the rating concern!! Why u care so much…I always curious why u appear again here make such comments??

      • JKS said that eels should trust him… And I surely will..Without hesitation..YAB,MMM and Love rain did not do well in korea, but all of them were successful in other countries, including mine. Personally i love all of them..I trust that he will again made a good choice.

      • What is the challenge again for Sukkie in historical drama’s?..unless it’s a 50+ episode long cashcow?
        Women’s World (여인천하)
        The Great Ambition (대망)
        Ladies of the Palace
        Hwang Jin-Yi
        Hong Gil Dong
        He played these in different stages of his life…been there done that he would say..maybe again when he is 40+…and as he said when he turned down the possibility to act again with his old partner Ha Ji Won…it was hard because he does want to act with her again but not against that historical backdrop because that would be Hwang Jin Yi all over again..
        He liked the script of BM more..a more mature role instead a schoolboy..(like some actors do…for the …n time or say they want to play another schoolboy drama before they get too old)
        He did not play pretty boy in all of his work…The Case of Itaewon Homicide is a good example…
        Sukkie can’t help that he is a flower boy…just can’t hide that fact no matter which role..or he has to play some alien…but I doubt it would changes his “looks”….just like for Brad Pitt in the west?
        I trust Sukkie when he said to believe in him…I will look at his work and try to find out what his motivation is/was and his valuable input…and will appreciate it accordingly
        Thanks for summing up all the challenges Sukkie took for the last yrs and his successes…
        It’s great achievement esp…since he has a whole company of his own, working again all odds…Chapot!!!!

      • did u watched MMM? i dont think KMG is a bad boy..why i always see this kind of comment in every website.i wonder if they really watch his drama before criticize him.

      • @niamki – i love your reply! so objective and truthfully looking at the bigger picture! i am all support for all those who do not box our sukkie in his drama decisions. he is so much more than that! zizkin! ^_^

  2. Thanks all for the positive replies.

    Actually KoalaPlayground did praises JKS for the YAB drama. Just some concern on his current drama PM, the role of romancing so many woman.

  3. Sorry, I don’t trust Korean TV High rating anymore. I had watched some of the highest Rating or high Stars and GREAT review K-dramas before…..I found myself “bored” to tears, and end up fasting forwarding many episodes.

    Based on reading many people’s opinions in some of the website about certain dramas, people will trend to judge the Dramas, Good or BAD, based their own personal BIAS, perceptions and attitudes toward the Actors and Actresses; the least do with the production or story of the dramas.

    If you are a FANs of the actors or actresses, even the story lines are BAD, they still think the Drama is Good and find something good to write about it.

    If you are not a FAN, you will always find some thing wrong with the drama!!! Don’t care if the drama is successful or not.

    If you are a Hater of that Actor or Actress, you will always comment in extreme bashing and negative words to express your hateful feelings. Like you afraid that people won’t get how you feel.

    So I included that what is Good Drama to some people might not always good to me. Same go with, what good to me might be BAD to other.

    People have different preferences or tastes in Dramas. Though, the Drama world would be must better if people can comment or voice their opinions in constructive and unbiased manner.

    • Well said, Kailey. We eels in this pond are gonna enjoy this drama no matter what, and show our support to JKS.
      And too bad for you Clover, you won’t get to feel the joy because you are already prejudiced even before the drama starts.

      As for IU, this is a lady matured beyond her age and she knows what she is doing. She has her reason for taking up this drama and its not for anyone to worry for her. Likewise, fans of hers should just take it easy and enjoy the drama.

  4. @@@Sukasukkie…
    I have watch MMM…matter of fact I watched all of his work starting Hwang Jin Yi..and his older works if I can get my hands on them….last time I saw “The Owls museum”…and he’s not kidding if he said he has the best “chemistry” with Choi Ran…she was his mother in that movie..
    I especially love his Budapest Diary…because it’s his personal work..nothing to do with idol drama…K wave etc…just an artwork from JKS, and he won a prize with it.
    And I really like the fact there is always a very extended bts video available…so we get to see him in an other light…the hard working Sukkie, full of ideas, energy..really hyper, funny, sad, sleepy, eating etc…but who always tries to have a bit of fun every now and then when there is a mili second to be spared…not forgetting to liven things up for his staff because life is also hard for them

    But speaking of MMM…I love KMG…he’s not a bad boy but he is a product of his inviroment..being a kid from a young single mother who is looked after by others; outcasted by society…A young man who left to fend for himself, while live his life and achieve his dream…Because of of his situations people take advantage of him and then he comes to meet this very lovely girl in need; he who does not believe in love and is afraid to be loved has to deal with bigger than life Wae Ma Ri…
    The cast did a really good job inspite the fact there was trouble in paradise of the scriptwriters…but that is beyond the infleunce of the cast…and yet JKS was able to save the day by (re-)writing the last piece of script and bring MMM home..
    I love to watch MMM over and over again for Sukkie…he was good in this one and not forgetting that this drama brought us a lot precious songs…
    Sukkie’s acting is something to be savoured slowly…he is very detailed in acting..

    • u explained the character really well..i really want to explain the role to those bashers but i think there is no use to do it. haters gonna hate.they dont watch the drama but dare to criticize him for being always play the same character..always being pretty..what the…yes..he’s very detail..and his expression is very deep which many of us touched by his acting.i love KMG role but im not a fan of MMM storyline..i watched the whole drama at first time and skip many part when rewatch except the part with he and MGY.i love their chemistry..i love the concept..the soundtract..in fact MMM is his first drama i watched..after a long time i stop watching k-drama. because MMM..i became a crazy for an artist for the first time. thanks to MMM.


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