According to Sukbar news, the 47th PaekSang Arts Awards will be held in Korea on 26 May 2011, at 8.00 pm Korean time. The Awards is an annual movies and television drama awards somewhat akin to Oscars. Jang Keun Suk is nominated for “Television Drama Popularity” award. Voting for this will start from 1 April but is only limited to Korean voters by way of mobile sms, and each vote costs 500 won.
As JKS’ fan-meeting in Bangkok is on 28 May, it remains a question whether he will attend the PaekSang Arts Awards. The nomination lists are out, and the heat is on. Looks like fierce competition amongst the long list of nominees!
Credits: Suk Baidu Bar
张根硕贴吧官方微博:【最新消息】第47届百想艺术大赏将于5.26日晚20点–22点举行(韩国时间)此次suk有入围电视剧人气奖投票将从4.1日开始,不过介于百想的投票仅限韩国国内且为手机收费式投票方式(一票500韩元)所以海外鳗鱼们只能眼巴巴的看着干着急了 而且5.28是泰国站巡回日期,所以是否出席百想还是个迷
Suuuuuuuuuuuuukkie….. fighting!!!
Damn wish I could vote!!! Good luck Sukkie!!! I’m sure you’ll get loads of votes!!
HMMM… it’s hard to beat Hyun Bin : ( But nothing impossible… EEls korea pleaaaaassseee fight till the end for our prince !!!!!!!!
i’m sure he WIN ! absolutely ! ….^_~
,if i could just txt & vote 4 him, iL vote 4 him until mapuDpod fingeRs q0! aixt.. i wiSh, oNe day iL sEe u in peRs0n, even just oNce ! even just a secoNds ! aixt. mY 1st tym 2 be adDicteD xo0 much 2 xUm1, keEP smiling keUnsukkiE.. xo0 i cAn keEp smiling to0
I wishes JKS’s will win award . He’s the best !!!!
I could only say one thing,that JKS had the brightest smiles among other nominees…lets just hope that korean viewers could see it like i did
I hope he wins Jang Geun Suk is a wish your fans in South America
sarahaeyo opppppppaaaa!!!!!!
I hope jang geun suk win
I wishes jgs’s will win award.
i’ll pray hard for sukkie to win.. sigh.. if only i could vote..
love sokkie forever