[31.08.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter

Is there anyone know where this place is?? I’ll give you the chance to go there with me!!!
여기 어딘지 아는사람?? 나랑 같이 떠날 수 있는 기회를 주겠노라!!!
tenshi_akuma’s note: This is Monaco’s Odeon Tower that is said as the world’s most expensive penthouse. Before JKS tweeted, JYJ, Jeajoon tweeted about it. They’re planning to go together?? If you’re interested in it, please refer to the links below.
See Monaco’s Odeon Tower, home to perhaps the world’s most expensive penthouse
Monaco Penthouse ‘World’s Most Expensive’

6 thoughts on “[31.08.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter”

  1. Hahaha…if there is a swimmingpool attached to it he wants to go…just like a child : )
    He really loves water…brings me to mind that picture of cute little prince standing with his cute little toddler bud in a stream near his home..lol

  2. Jang keun. Suk te amo,te amo mucho tu y to tenemos mucho en comun esepto la edad porque soy mayor que tu,te amo no’ como hombre,te amo x como tu eres,te respeto pero soy como tu,y me gusta lo Que piensas y sientes.saraghe I love you much te quiero mucho jks.sukkie.

  3. Me gustaria pudieras contestar a mi comentario jks,to soy como tu,pero con la diferencia que tu ablas otro idioms,yo,te amo,no me importa que tu no entiendas mi idioma,to aunque no entienda mucho,porque me importas tu,busco la forma de entenderte porque te amo,porque la musica se yeba en el corazon.mas por eso es que busco como poder entenderte.


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