[Pics] Eels show their support to JKS, making car tags!!

Today we glimpsed a car JKS was driving in MV “Nature Boy”. The car tag says “ZIK ZIN”.

But these kind of message car tags were already made by eels. Both live in U.S.

Sarah, a.k.a Sukspring_USA made this. Her husband gave her the leopard frame.

Andrea made this. Cherry replied this pic before. [29.10.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

I’m sure Sukkie, car lover will be glad to know this. Or he already knew this and was inspired by them? : )

12 thoughts on “[Pics] Eels show their support to JKS, making car tags!!”

  1. YAY! I am so happy there are Maryland Eels beside me. This gives me a good idea to have my new car license plate. Stay tuned!!! …JKS… America Eels love you – come to America!!!!!!!!!

  2. i must say that jks keeps disappointing me , i mean he is so wild these days he become out
    of control he is drunk smoking shirtless and looks like a girl all the time . he keeps doing stupid things and thinks its great , now i’ve been an eel for almost five years ,and i’m seriously thinking about leaving him , well maybe till he is acting again cuz i’m really embaressed and shocked about the things he did in the team h party , all of this is quickly damaging my view of him; and i really think that is what made so many fans leave him and only the loyal eel have stayed ,and now i think my time is come to leave , and i will always wish the best for him in the future.

    • Anna, I can only say you’re not an eel but a fan only as we have seen him in TeamH performance live a few times and still hoping to see him more ^_^

    • Hi ANNA, I think I understand what you’re feeling these days. I don’t think it’s because of Team H performance but because of others’ expectations that has effected him to some extent.

      Personally I don’t like his wearing thick eyeliners. For me, Sukkie without makeup is the most beautiful. But wrongly it was reported that Japanese love his eyeliners. Many of us denied it, but it’s possible that he’s believed the statistics. Like this, I think some promoters keep asking him to wear girly-like makeup with long hair. He’s such a challenging guy that he enjoys trying new looks as if he acts different roles. I think he’s also struggling to find what he really wants to do. Now is in the mid of his process, his life. Like us, he also stumbles. Nevertheless, he doesn’t stop trying. It’s his one of strong points that he always tries even he’s failed a lot before. I think we his fans can express our ideas to him if there is love and in a polite way. I don’t think we always agree with everything what he does. We have freedom to show our tastes.

      I can add another thing. I LOVE Team H music and their chemistry. But I don’t think it necessary to show he’s too sexy during the stage. Simply I really enjoy their performance. I don’t need his tearing T-shirt or flirting looks on the stage. I’m quite sure not all come from his personal ideas or preferences. But naturally they are considered as such. It’s sad… but it’s true.

      Lastly, I believe there are many ways to support our favorite stars. Watching their works is one of them. I respect his professionalism. I hope his next drama will fascinate his old fans again and get new fans as well. Let’s wait for his next drama together : )

    • Anna…I can understand your feelings…but while we are waiting for his other works..don’t get distracted..just keep an open mind and keep our faith in him…and remember some of his quotes…he is living up to it I must say http://youtu.be/bgxJlLg84dg
      He’s an rebel and like to try new things…but like so many other artists…first we don’t like and all of a sudden it’s a trend..we will never understand all of it; therefore they are creative beings but also human beings…..he’s not a robot…
      As Tenshi already said…just tell him or Cri-J if something is really bothering you…
      I happens to like his (stage) make up…because of the beauty of it…He is undeniable such a beautiful being..a work of art…with or without make-up because I like JKS the good humanbeing and good son
      I don’t think more “weird” than let say…Bigbang and likes; he’s only unscripted/unplugged if you get my drift
      It could just be me but I like renassaince..he also does…for that he got a nickname from ANjell members lol…
      I like the fact JKS has something for everybody…peace

    • Dear Anna sis,

      I am only a fairly new eel (about 3 months old), but I would like to make a few quick comments. Back in 2010 and 2011 Sukkie was quite a frequent visitor to the city I live. Even though I have not watched YAB until three months ago, I knew who he was way back in 2010. It was simply impossible for me not to – can you imagine every time I read the newspaper for the new year’s eve countdown Sukkie would appear on a spread (for two consecutive years!)? But I did not like him then back in 2010 and 2011 (sis please don’t hate me) coz the pictures were not appeasing to me – the angles were not very nice, it appeared that there was a mispplication of makeup (my confession – he looked screamingly gay back in 2010 and 2011) and way too feminine to me – I especially hated him with that curly long hair sticking to the sides of his face.

      Now look at his look for the press conference/fan meeting for the team H party in Thailand and the press conference for Cri show II in Taiwan. Despite he has fairly long hair and put on some make-up, he looks very gorgeous and masculine to the point I would say he looks like a greek god statute. Whether the hairdo does all that magic is a judgement call. Maybe he puts on a little bit more make-up for the team H parties than he usually does – but to me comparing his previous look in 2010 and 2011 to his team H party look in 2013, I would not hesitate to go for the latter. So it seems that there is an improvment instead of a set-back on his part for the make-up/hairdo.

      For the shirt ripping part, it seems that this is his perception on how people should be having fun in a party/when they club. You will be amazed at what people will do to get attention when they club/party (maybe you can experiece it first hand (if you are not yet 18, later when you turn 18 ^^ ok please ask permission from your parents first, I don’t want to be a bad influence). Since he is supposed to be the centre of attention of his party, he might have come to the conclusion that he will have to do something wild for the sake of the nature of his party. And be mindful that Sukkie is still quite boyish/childish. I was really surprised to learn that team H party was just part of cri show one year ago – if you compare team H lounge and team H party, you will find that team H has come a long way and the music has become a lot better. At least for me I love team H’s latest album and would not hesitate to attend team H concert if I have time. To me their music has become at least 10-fold better.

      For the smoking and drinking part I am afraid I would have to burst your bubble – many Korean male artist/singer do that too, it’s just that they hide it better/they do not have the guts to post pictures. I am actually in awe how honest Sukkie is in presenting his real self online – is it not the trait that makes him stand out of the crowd?

      I totally agree with everyone here that Sukkie is still in search of his new path and he is constantly evolving. Don’t you agree that he has put in a lot of effort in the searching process and he did a reasonably good job even though he is yet to have found his new path? And for that reason can you rethink about your proposition? Maybe wait a bit longer and give him another shot?

  3. I am a new Eel, only a few months as well. I love how he constantly changes and evolves. I love how he is free to be himself with all this criticism he gets. He is such a beautiful person inside and out. So he drinks and smokes, enjoying life! I personally love the ripping off of shirt lol. Let him fly and remember, although he is a very strong person, he is a human being with many eyes on him, constantly judging. Would you like it if everyone kept telling you I don’t like it when you wear this, or do your makeup like that. Try to remember he may be our prince, but even princes have feelings. Let him try new things! It does not change the wonderful person he is inside. I love every look, some more than others. It’s ok if there is one I don’t prefer, because you cannot make everyone happy all the time, as long as he is happy, I am happy! I just want to witness this incredible man fulfill his dreams! ZIKZIN!!

    • Hear hear…he has the guts to try new things so we get to enjoy it…..but trust him he knows how his eels feels..but he can’t make everybody happy at the same time while doing his work


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