[29.10.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

UPDATE: Our ECI member, US eel, Andrea’s “JKS EEL” car tag was retweeted!

10 minutes before he is due
장근석 출연 10분 전

5 minutes before he is due
장근석 출연 5분 전!

I heard many couldn’t watch webcast… so it’s a bit boring though…
영상을 못 보신 분들 많다고 해서… 비루하지만… http://t.co/dNpaNs6X

Actor Jang dancing on the audition stage : ) ㅡ “I want to play because I appear on their ad.” He’s practiced to play the game since this morning.
오디션 스테이지에서 춤추는 장배우 : ) ㅡ 자신이 출연한 광고는 역시 직접 해보고 싶다며 아침부터 연습했다 ㅡ http://t.co/UkmbBozI

Boom! Actor Jang appeared!
두둥! 장배우 등장! ㅡ http://t.co/2GxX81Am

A naughty boy ㅡ Because Cherry-chan isn’t here, the angle is terrible…
장난꾸러기 ㅡ 그나저나 채리짱이 없으니 앵글이 엉망이군아… ㅡ http://t.co/pKHpFFOb

Eel: This shows U.S. eel. Awesome ^^
Cherry: wow!!

“@miyaxkame: @minzzangde @AsiaPrince_JKS @codeinconnu @cherry2196 이것은 미국 장어 차라고합니다 ww 굉장 하지요 ^ ^ pic.twitter.com/BGwyK5el” wow!!
tenshi_akuma’s note: The photo below is the original car tag. ECI member, Andrea Edelen made this to show her support to Jang Keun Suk.
Message from her: just that I love and support him and hoping that people seeing my car will be curious enough to search the meaning and discover what an amazing and talented man he is.
P.S. It’s not handmade. These plates are state government issued so official and documented. In other words… permanent!


27 thoughts on “[29.10.2012] Tree-J staff twitter”

  1. Andrea you’re an awesome eels. Love you for what you done to our Prince and you made me feel so proud to be a member of ECI. I’m so happy that they recognized what you done to support our Prince to be World Prince. Thank you for your dedication to our Prince.

  2. Congratulations dear Andrea ..Now the world if for Prince from
    The east to West and South and North are included .your loyality for prince is awesome .Since it is proof and permanent one you will be in our prince heart permanent also .Today you made the eel history for Prince and I am happy and proud for you as a ECI sister .Congrats again Onni J.

  3. Andrea hwaiting!! thank you for sharing your photo to the eels pond! Your love is true and now you have paved the way for other US eels! Thank you again Tenshi for organizing all of these posts. JKSForever is always my favorite site!

  4. Wow.. I feel famous all of a sudden. I hope he knows how much he is truly loved. He IS our World Prince and eternally in our hearts.

  5. congratulations Andrea..your efforts to show your love and support to our PRINCE is not wasted…i hope you’ll go a long way with that car of yours so a lot of people will see it check who JKS is…keep going!

  6. Awesome!! Proof of your love to Prince,amazing!! If I own a car,probably I will do the same..Jyo— World Prince indeed!!!

  7. Andrea,i wrote a litle poem for you in the pond,but you deserved more congratulations,i know you didnt feel well this past week,but I hope all your pains gone with the wind when you saw this news,i am happy for you and I in celebration mode right now,of course you will part of the week in review .love you and hugs.

  8. …Congratulations Andrea …how i wish i could also do something like that to show our support to the Prince…. You are a true EEL..God bless you!

  9. every EEL want to show the best way to love our prince. And Andrea’s work is the unique one. I always excited to open this site and also to read ELL’s comments …

    CongratUlation Andrea!
    Thank you Tenshi!

    luv u all EELs…

  10. Since in Singapore we cant do this, and i dont have a car anyways, maybe i can do something similar and hang it on my front door…but wait….my door doesn’t travel…..kkkkk!!!… any suggestions?

    Andrea, i really hope Sukkie sees this!! 🙂

    • Farina, you can do a handbag tag on yr weekday handbag or hand sew messages onto craft cloth and paste it on your weekend bag. Maybe a cardigan with Prince picture or words also can lah. I like scarf, maybe can handicraft something on it too^_^! Kkkkkk

    • You can customized ur Bag with Prince J initials, that u can carry wherever u go,,hehehe!!!


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