[09.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter

Got together for Parents Day at Prime’s 369…
I’m a good son to my mom… but……
My dad is drunk,.. can’t reach him…

어버이 날 프사장네 3 6 9 에서 회식..
엄마한테 효자하는 아들 그러나……….
아버지는 술 취하셔서 연락두절.

Drunken Prime, a victim of my mom’s alcohol bomb!
엄마가 준 술 폭탄에 꽐라된 프사장..

And.. reserved for AP only.. Sitting here.. makes me drowsy…
그리고 AP 전용자리… 이거 완전 잠 온다..

YoungDeuk is lonely……
영득이는 외롭고…

came back home..supposed to take a nap…
그리고 집에 와서 즐잠하려했는데…….

R to the T !!!!!!

R to the T man!!!!!!

R to the T!! “@AsiaPrince_JKS: @psy_oppa http://youtu.be/qynu32U_k1o
R to the T man!!!!!!”

Pegasus came…. Everything is good……. but
It’s female…… Oh, man!

페가수스가 왔는데…. 다 좋은데…….
암놈이다…… 젠장

Recently I have trouble with my eyesight…. Then, I selected one watch..
A brand-name product~

요즘 눈이 잘 안보여서…. 시계하나 뽑아봤음..

tenshi_akuma’s note: This is the watch. Precisely, it’s not a watch, but a clock ^^

VJ: I heard there are rumors that I have seven plans tomorrow??
JKS: You pretend you are busyㅡㅡ I’ll pin down if it’s a live radio broadcast or not.

“@freevj: 내일 스케줄이 일곱개라는 소문이 있다던데 말이지??”ㅡ바쁘다고 티내네ㅡㅡ 라디오 생방인지 안생방인지 가려내겠어

VJ: On weekdays live broadcast live broadcast!! kk
JKS: I shall go as a tomorrow’s guest again.. k

“@freevj: @AsiaPrince_JKS 평일은생방생방!!ㅋㅋ”ㅡ내일게스트 또 나갈까여 ㅋ

BB: Listen to me mother !!
JKS: I’m your father..

“@bigbrothersound: Listen to me mother !!”ㅡI’m your father..

Prhyme: Diptyque is Really GOOD ! Thx @AsiaPrince_JKS ^^
JKS: Use it carefully!!
Prhyme: Yup my bro ^^

“@AsiaPrince_JKS: “@prhyme79: Diptyque is Really GOOD ! Thx @AsiaPrince_JKS ^^ pic.twitter.com/MwWguQ3PY3”ㅡ아껴쓰도록!!” Yup my bro ^^

AJS: R to the T !!!!!! http://youtu.be/CQ6EeJUQnFY
VJ: Oo!!
AJS: What.. Too late…

“@freevj: 오옹!! RT @AsiaPrince_JKS: R to the T !!!!!!
http://youtu.be/CQ6EeJUQnFY ”ㅡ뭐야..뒷to the북…

Prhyme: @bigbrothersound Nice to meet you! Handsome Big Brother~~~~~ ^^
JKS: Cheer up…
Prhyme: kkk This is funny k

“@AsiaPrince_JKS: “@prhyme79: @bigbrothersound 반가워요! 훈남 빅브라더~~~~~ ^^”ㅡ많이 반가운듯… pic.twitter.com/SqeyasBiQd” ㅋㅋㅋ 그어플 웃겨 ㅋ

36 thoughts on “[09.05.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter”

  1. In the same restaurant twice this week…diner with Mommy Jang, staff and some friends..
    Mama Jang is a lovely lady
    Sukkie has his own chair?? hihi

  2. Mama Jang receives so many flowers!
    Is it from JKS? Flower boy giving mom flowers in celebrations of mothers day!
    So sweet moment with family & friends.
    So blissful together!

  3. The most admirable thing about Keun-Suk is his directness, honesty and genuine openness…..he holds nothing back.
    He is a good son to his Mother and his honesty concerning his father’s absence for parents’ day just says it all. He is an admirable man with no pretenses. How can you not want to protect this gentle soul, this treasured person.
    I wish you Champagne dreams and Strawberry wishes always. Your American Noona in Boca Raton, Fl.

  4. Your mom looked very happy. She must be proud of you. The little chair will only fit AP small hip. It is not for pigs. I wonder whether the watch is a wristwatch. It looks like a pocket watch. I’ve got an antique one by Cortebert. It was my late dad favorite pocket watch.

    Btw, I agree with Susann (I think it’s her) who posted wondering whether you have ever read our messages. It will be heart breaking if you don’t. Could you give some signal if you really do read ours?

  5. Thanks for good translation. I’ve read other translation, they said that this restaurant is belong to Phryme, isn’t it?

  6. Dear Sudie, It was me!! I realize someone has to interpret English for him (unless he’s working with language tutor, we can only hope).
    However, I read many heartfelt messages and extremely intuitive advice and suggestions for his moving forward; it would be nice for him to acknowledge these messages even if he chooses not to heed them.
    It’s possible you’re the only one listening to me.
    Champagne wishes and strawberry dreams to you too dear sis.

  7. Dear Susann,

    Thank you for the reply. Probably we are now in the culture of talking to one self about someone we love and sharing it on the net. I think both of us are so caring. If he had read our messages it would have helped him when he was lonely or got hurt or sick.

    It’s nice meeting with you and sharing our thought here on the net, sis. You are such a kind and loving person.



  8. Btw, Pegasus is a stallion. He is a male. Probably the modern Pegasus toy in the picture prefers to be transvestite. He fell in love with our Prince. Kkkkkk

  9. Dear Sudie, You made me lol. Pegasus as a transvestite …. this is the world we live in today!

  10. Sudie and Susann:
    LOL! Stallion anatomy is intimidating, can you imagine the correct parts on Pegasus as a toy display for kids? It would make young men sad too!
    I guess sometimes a man just needs to get drunk (Sukkie’s dad), maybe Mama J tried out her alcohol bombs on Papa J first? At least it looked like Mama J and Sukkie had a good time. BTW, “the suit” sitting next to Sukkie looks interesting, does anyone know who that is?
    Too bad Suni couldn’t come and celebrate too.

    Seattle, WA

  11. I just looked at all toys around the house. I’ve got more than 50 of them. Not any of them has that part. Our Prince was just joking. If the Pegasus he has was a female as he said, how scary it would be for him and his fans. It would be overwhelming, OMG. Kkkkkk

  12. Dear Diana H-T and Sudie, I don’t know if it’s entirely true, but a male Pegasus might be intimidating to Korean males not to the ladies – LOL!! I am bad! We all need a good laugh every now and then.
    Champagne wishes to my dear sis’,

  13. Dear Susann and Sudie,
    Like you, I wish that JKS would read our messages once in a while. I am sure he will be able to learn a thing or two from all the Noonas here, lessons that are only meant to help and guide him, never mean or hurtful, always with his well-being in mind. And although he has a hard time speaking in English, I think he can read English better than he can speak it. Remember he lived and studied in New Zealand for a couple of years and most schools in NZ teach in English.

    Like me who did not grow up in an English speaking country, I had a hard time speaking in English spontaneously but because our schools teach in English, I can very well read and write in English. I hope it is the same with him.

    I saw a video of him where people he met on the street spoke to him in English and he was able to understand them. He responded in his own broken but cute English. I think he just needs to practice his conversational English and what better way to practice than conversing with his Noonas.

  14. Dear Nicolle, You may be spot on about the gelding part, although as a New Yorker, we didn’t have much dealings with horses.
    LOL. We prefer to shop till you drop!
    Champagne wishes to you sis,

  15. Dear Megamefan, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I don’t know what your first language is, but you write very well. Let’s hope JKS studies English very hard before his debut in LA. It’s crucial for him in moving forward.
    Champagne wishes to you sis,

  16. Sis Susann, I believe that the best way to learn a language is by immersion. That’s how it was for me when I came to the U.S. For JKS, to learn English quickly and in time for his US concert, he has to live here in the US even for just a short time, preferably in New York where I can easily go and visit him. He he he.

  17. IMO : In regards to JKS level of English, it seems fine to me. For Asians, English is a second language. So, no big deal. I’ve noticed that he understands the language and can engage in a conversation to a certain extent. His pronunciation is perfect from what I have heard through his movie and songs. Knowing how he prepares himself, I’m sure he will be ready to take on the “West” without an interpreter. Just sharing my opinion. Peace.

    • Angel88, I totally agree with you. In my previous post I said I believe he can very well understand and even read and write in English. We EELS know how smart, quick-witted and funny he is. But in order for him to win new EELS in the US, he has to be able to express himself really well. I was hoping he could even be a guest in some TV programs where he could absolutely shine and capture new audiences. For this, and if he does not use an interpreter, he has to have some degree of mastery in conversational English. I just really, really want other people to know what a real WORLD PRINCE he is.

    • As a U.S.A. fan, I admire JKS’s skill with English. I am really working to understand Korean, and it is so different from English. As for speaking, my accent is very thick!And with regard to his father’s “being drunk” as he puts it for Parents’ Day, I read that in 1123 a Chinese ambassador to Korean King Injong of the Goryeo Dynasty wrote that “When they drink, the people of Goryeo do not do so in moderation but instead drink to their hearts’ content . . .” So perhaps it is just, in general, a national custom. Anyway, JKS has loads of talent in every entertainment category and has flawless looks. It will be fabulous if he decides to come to the U.S.A. We have nothing like him.

  18. We all want JKS to blaze a trail of success across the U.S. and achieve his dreams. You are correct, no one prepares himself for a performance like our Prince. However, I was thinking in terms of doing interviews with the media and that’s the sort of thing he really needs to work on. It’s always easier to read and write a language, but the difficulty is in responding …. you can understand or get the jest of the question, but the reply is often the problem. I am sure his team if leaving no stone unturned in this matter.
    Champagne wishes to our JKS moving forward towards his dreams.

  19. Mgamemfan … we are on the same wave length, as I send my message …. yours just came in. Agree with you completely.

      • Mgamefan: I agree with all of you, too. This is why we all post our comments and share our opinions here on the topic JKS. We all mean well for JKS with genuine love and best intentions. But, we all have our different ways in expressing our concerns towards his well being. I admit that I don’t know as much as EELS do. All I know is what I have followed through this blog and others, where my grandsons help me find information about him. In my opinion he is an admirable young man. What touched me most is his honesty and integrity. I enjoy reading about his interviews from which I have learnt a thing or two to accept life from his perspective. Since he has made himself, who he is today, I trust that with the love and support of his EELS and Non-eels he will continue to shine. As a retired ESL teacher, I feel the need to refrain from using “your English must be perfect” and replace that sentence with “you’ve improved, that’s great”. Hope you understand where I’m coming from and sorry if any offence taken through my comments.
        By the way Susann,I enjoy reading your posts too. So when I see strawberries in my cereal, I remember your ending quote and smile to myself. Please don’t stop at Champagne wishes and continue the strawberry dreams ….. I love the sound of it. Peace to all. God Bless!

  20. Dear Mgamefan, Loved reading your thoughts….spoken like a professional woman! Keun-Suk is a beautiful specimen, is he not?
    Are you going to Los Angeles to see him? We could meet up!
    Champagne wishes and strawberry dreams to you always,

    • Susann, I would love to meet up with you to see him. My husband agreed to go to LA with me when the time comes. I said he can come to LA with me but not to the concert. I don’t want him there while I am going crazy over another man. Going with you will definitely be fun.

  21. Mamacri, dear Sis …. I’m not on Twitter, but it’s a brilliant idea. Now we just need someone savvy on Twitter to handle this!
    JKS needs to read our brilliant “pearls of wisdom”. LOL.
    Champagne wishes and strawberry dreams.

  22. If he wants to read, he can key in Jangkeunsukforever and there he is. Don’t you know if he is a prince he is to be seen but not to be touched. You can hear him saying something but you are not to talk to him. Well, it’s so traumatic. I think we are all masochists 🙁

  23. Mgamefan, I will look forward to seeing you in L.A. Just waiting for JKS to advise performance dates. Perhaps we’ll have our Champagne wishes and strawberry dreams come true.
    Konbae (Cheere),

  24. Dear all,

    When Suk come to USA, hope all of sisters protect Prince.
    I worry that he doesn’t know exacly about culture and law in USA or something like that.
    With me, he is very precious, hihi.
    Thank you.


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