13 thoughts on “[01.05.2013] Jaejoong (@bornfreeonekiss) twitter”

  1. LOL ! ! with prhyme’s facial expression i can easily guess what part of Team H party they’re watching…im sure the screen is showing eels in bikinis kkkk maybe he can’t believe that JKS can persuade his eels to come to party wearing sexy bikinis 🙂

  2. Did you notice the boys are color-coordinated? Wish Sukkie would quit smoking, not to nag, just want him to live long!

  3. Who is the fourth person in the room, who took the picture? Let’s hope it’s not a manager …. because then it’s business and not social. Sometimes I get very tired of JKS surrounded by managers, not friends! Last year, you couldn’t see a picture of him without
    Gunsama’s arm, half of his face … it’s like a shadow always watching. Prince needs some privacy and freedom to enjoy himself.

  4. Tenshi_Akuma – thank you. JKS needs to have some alone-time with friends and be young.
    Will there be an advance update regarding Los Angeles performance dates …. in order to purchase good seats and book flights?
    I always appreciate all your kind efforts on everyone’s behalf.

  5. lol phryme’s expressions is so fun, I can’t stop laugh! lol lol xd.

    prince, smoking, again? pls, Stop smoking prince 😉

    Smoking’s bad for your health, but exactly how does quitting make life better? Here are 9 ways your health will improve when you stop smoking.

    1º Better sex: Stopping smoking improves the body’s bloodflow, so improves sensitivity ;).
    2º Younger looking skin.
    3º Whiter teeth: Giving up tobacco stops teeth becoming stained, and you’ll have fresher breath.
    4º Better breathing.
    5º Longer life: Half of all long-term smokers die early from smoking-related diseases, including heart disease, lung cancer and chronic bronchitis.
    6º Less stress: Scientific studies show that people’s stress levels are lower after they stop smoking.
    7º Improved smell and taste.
    8º More energy (…goodbye red bull!! :))..)
    9º Healthier loved ones: By stopping smoking you’ll be protecting the health of your non-smoking friends and family.


  6. Haaaa their facial expression ..Suk Ha ha Now Yiu guys knows who I am ..Yes it’s me Just watch ..hae hae ( with the sound of successful DJ who persuade his eels to come with bikini lol) .. Jaejong. Yes yes ohhh JKS u really did it now I believe ..Awww Prhyme ….Ohh Shit ..OMG Jang Suk ahh Why you didn’t give me VIP ticket I miss this super jumper chances ..Lol 🙂 my two loves are together having great fun make me so happy too.


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