[article] Jang Keun Suk Is Thinking Hard on His Next Acting Role_20130410

Chinese translation: Sukbar Translation Team
English Translation: Springsuk_USA

Jang Keun Suk Is Thinking Hard on His Next Acting Role He Wants to Bring Good Work For Audiences


Jang Keun Suk’s agent company recently told OBS News through a phone interview:”Jang Keun Suk is thinking hard and trying to make a decision on what kind of role he will play on his next acting work in TV drama/Movie. People should be able to know it for not long.”

In fact, Since Jang Keun Suk’s high popularity in Japan, China and other Asian countries, many drama/movie favor him. His agent company said that he did get some acting role proposals. Now they are in the progress of deciding to do which one.

And after the car accident. On April 08, Jang Keun Suk posted on twitter that he went to hospital. Fans are worried about him. For that, his agent company said: That day he just went to hospital because of a cold.”

29 thoughts on “[article] Jang Keun Suk Is Thinking Hard on His Next Acting Role_20130410”

  1. I will wait patiently for him to decide but I miss actor Jang so much. I understand why he take a long time to decide which drama to act. There must be lots of offer to chose for and he can be selective now. Not matter want drama you always do your best.

    • I’m so looking forward to his next CD/DVD. Naturally, I am awaiting his next acting role. How can Koreans not name him No. 1 in all categories? He is flawlessly handsome, a talented dancer, and his voice is incomparable. Of all Korean movies and TV dramas, for me his have always been the best. (And I really cannot clearly understand Korean dialogue yet, though I have begun to intensify my efforts – as I want to understand him when he speaks Korean.) I wish the U.S had someone like him! I do wish him the very, very best in all his activities.

  2. I’m so impatient waiting for his next drama! I love him so much!! He’s amazing in everything he does, and I miss him in dramas so badly!! I’ll always support him no matter what!

    • exactly, because the Patience is a virtue, therefore, I say to Sukkie: “Take all the time you need to choose your next drama or movie.” By the time We appreciate your work as idol and businessman. I love Sukkie Idol.
      Actually, you were born to become a big worldwide idol and a brilliant businessman. let’s go Sukki!. let’s go Zikzin!…TOP ZIKZIN!. TOP SUKKIE!.

    • I used to watch many Kdramas.. but after knowing Sukkie through Huang Jin Yih, Beethoven Virus, Hong Gil Dong, YAB, MMM and Love Raun…. I only watch dramas with Sukkie as I really have no time for the rest but I will repeat his dramas many times and surprising never tired ^_^ Going through his dramas, we can see how a chameleon actor he is… different images & expression, different ways of smiles, different ways of crying and different accent & voice tone used.. and he is so natural in the dramas that I don’t feel like he is acting.. He can make the a bad scripted drama (like MMM) interesting because of his presence.
      Even if I tried to watch other dramas without Sukkie recommended by my sis & friends..I can’t get pass first 3 eps now… that is how terrible many of the eels wish to see him in new drama soon..

      • I’ve watched HJY, HGD then YAB which was aired in our national channel. Sometime last year, my brother told me that he was the same actor of these three dramas. I was soooooo shocked! How can that be?? He looked totally different! So I checked the web and found pictures of him in these dramas. Thereafter, I watched BV followed by MMM. Again, totally different style & character. From then onwards, I started watching all his movie/drama/CM etc and I just couldn’t stop. I’ve watched many Kdramas but after knowing JKS, all other dramas do not seem interesting anymore.kkkkkk
        He is truly an amazing person! Extremely talented and gifted…and many more.
        I can’t find any other artiste (Asian or Western), as interesting as JKS!

      • So agree with you …not so interested in the rest…rather watch JKS dramas and movies over and over and over again…he can even makes his co stars shine..

      • exactly my thoughts…
        Don’t care for the bunch…rather watch JKS dramas and movies over and over and over again…I don’t get bored

        Whatever his decision…I’ll looking forward to it..

    • i dont agree with u..he is the best actor in the world. the most natural and full of expressions..i cant see someone like him in Hollywood or anywhere else..maybe im sound bias but i love to watch Hollywood film and drama before but im not watching any after i know this Jang Keun Suk.

  3. good i hope his next drama require short hair 🙂 wish you the best sukkie choose carefully ; and don’t worry we eels will always support you.

  4. Jang Keun Suk my one & only fave Korean actor…the Best! No one else but him who can surely move & touch my heart. O baby… you light up my life. 🙂

  5. Actor Jang….I will wait patiently to watch you on screen again. Will support you on whatever roles you will choose. Please choose wisely!! Wish you the BEST. Love you!!

  6. I suggest You CONTINUE with your work as IDOL. I think now is a good time to sing (be an idol). Principe relax and let time pass. You should NOT ACT in Korean DRAMAS FOR NOW. pls.
    I believe that You will reach A LOT of FAME as IDOL. People recognized that YAB was successful in asia … and LR was success in Asia and worldwide.

    We love your work as a composer, singer and actor, but I suggest you continue working as an idol by now. 🙂

    I love U.


    • Nasdinne it’s true that his voice is amazing and being an idol is gonna get him alot of fame ,but i fell in love with him as an actor and i’m hopelessly hocked to all his drama and i have the most respect for him as an actor cuz he bring that serious side of him in acting and i love that about him ; plus i enjoy every single ep of his drama and enjoy his chemistry with his leading ladies ..plus he dose’t need to be famous in korea his international eels is so huge and will always support him. and due to them he is so famous in YAB and love rain.

    • I understand Nasdinne’s worry, I just enter the Baeksang Arts Awards … and .. honestly I don’t understand why he isn’t taking up the first places of the list. I’m so sad.

      I think that Sukkie should take a break as Actor in Korea, but… if he wants to continue acting then I think Sukkie would work in a new Japanese film, the concept will be somewhat reflective of life, such as: “the pursuit happyness”, “La vita è bella”, “3 idiots” ( sorry, no offense, really “3 idiots” is a indu film, It’s one of my favorite movies. this is a excellent movie, I recommend it), …or “I am Sam”.
      I recommed Sukkie …a character that breaks stereotypes…a character who could generate an inspiration of life and fighting for people.

      We always always support Sukkie!.
      sincerely, I love Sukkie as boss, Idol and actor, but..I want more more more Sukkie Idol by the moment.

      • I understand your frustations on this…I want to vote also…because LOVE RAIN is JKS otherwise I would not have watch it.
        Was it that last year foreign fans could vote for the award but not this time so we can’t help our Korean eels with this…
        If this is the case I don’t think it’s fair…the procedures has to be the same otherwise the outcome has no meaning

        JKS wants to be appreciated by his countrymen but for some reasons they can’t get over the misunderstandigs from the pass and still resents him.
        Think a lot of them are not ready for our free spirited Nature Boy Jang Keun Suk…
        Well the more for us then

      • I don’t think so that taking a break as an actor is the solution, as long as a good project/script comes to him, he has to try & never give up. Internationally, as long as its Jang Keun Suk it will definitely be a hit no doubt about it. He’s not the only actor who had a low rating drama in Korea there are others too, thats show business. Jang Keun suk will have to show to them what he is made of, a type that never gives up on his dream, Koreans will recognize that determination on him & eventually accept him. He is still young & already considered as a hallyu leader. Bae Yong Joon was older 30 years of age when he became a hallyu star. C’mon Jang Keun Suk has achieved a lot already at a young age, i’m proud of him 🙂 .

        As for Baeksang awards he’s not the only actors who has 0%, at least he’s still one of the nominees others were not even nominated & their dramas has better audience rating than LR, so guys please don’t feel bad or sad. Let’s be positive. Always fighting Prince of Asia JKS!!!

      • Eels heart will go on supporting our Prince because he never gives up!
        May the force be with him…
        May eels unite and give him strength!

  7. It will be good if the new drama can made JKS famous in Korea and internationally.
    I am sure that will be his wish. In my opinion a role with more leadership quality
    will suit him better.

  8. so agree with you Muimui. i was fond in watching Korean dramas before but now i’m contented in just watching all his dramas over and over again. i miss him so much in a drama……

    • Jazreel, I used to watch many other dramas besides Korean drama.. also dramas from Japan, HK and Taiwan too.. but since 2-3 years ago.. I dropped all as most don’t seems interesting anymore but I will rewatch Sukkie’s drama again & again if I want to watch dramas.. we eels are pathetic too ^_^

      • Another pathetic eel here…
        watching MMM again : )
        I love this drama because Sukkie said it’s closest to him and I love the songs

        Prince…plssssssss save your eels

  9. welcome back actor jang..miss u so much in drama. wish you all the best for your next project. hope your new drama will be recognize by korean people & get the good rating..actor jang fighting!!!


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