[10.04.2013] Jang Keun Suk Weibo

Note: JKS posted on weibo of Tongyi and HS Media promotion posts of Tongyi new Micro-Movie ICU. The first link, you can view the beautiful video and pictures. The second link, if you reposted and @ 3 friends on weibo, you can get in a luck draw. They also said the part II of the movie will be released on April 24.

Jang Keun Suk: My Chinese pronunciation not bad right? I can do anything well except be in love…
中国发音不错吧~~我除了恋爱什么都做的很好~~//@张根硕: 쭝궈발음 죽이지~~ 난 연애빼고 다 잘한다해~~~ //@HS_Media官方微博: 鳗鱼银星们,有没有被张根硕和朴敏英的精彩表现所惊艳到呢?大家的转起来
【独家】@统一鲜橙多 携@HS_Media官方微博 打造中国首部微电影《ICU》上正式上映,统一鲜橙多独家首发,@张根硕@朴敏英 倾情出演。http://t.cn/zTqyElB 关注@统一鲜橙多 ,转发此微博@ 3位好友有机会获张根硕签名奖品!微电影下将于4月24号上映,敬请期待。 http://t.cn/zTqG40Y

8 thoughts on “[10.04.2013] Jang Keun Suk Weibo”

  1. your eels always want you to be happy Sukkie so be in love. don’t forget that you’re also human. we will understand and continue to love and support you…….

  2. visited Tongyi page but it doesn’t get google translated so don’t have a clue what’s in there…
    Sukkie I love the way you’re in love with us; your eels………totally perfect…you treat us so well.. Love you : )
    A special eel will be with you at the right moment…don’t rush baby

  3. are you having a fight with your love one since/before the trip to BKK love – well, just try to work it out if you truly love her …. God Bless both of you

  4. Yes, I wish he falls in love but he has to be aware that for love you need time… And he’s just soooo busy. Fame and fortune has its price.

    I guess this is a common problem for most (if not all) Korean idols. Their schedules are just too crazy and hectic for years and years. Also, there’s a huge media pressure and production companies rules (anyone else hear ‘SM Entertainment’ echoing), as well.

    God forbid that 2 idols date openly. That would be a freaking media circus and poor couple wouldn’t stand a chance at having a remotely normal relationship. They would be followed and photoed EVERYWHERE! They wouldn’t be able to breath… E.g. poor Kristen Stewart and that vampire dude.. And that’s American press… I can only imagine how crazed sasaeng fans would behave.

    Honestly, I do feel sad for all of them – being so young, full of life and yearning for love but not being able to have it…

    No money in this world can replace lost time, to love and to be loved by that special someone…

    Sorry, I’m just ranting here but I am really amazed by the mere weight of chains they’re caring so boldly.


  5. Sukkie be great in love too. You are an amazingly a very caring and lovable person and you need that special someone who will understand and support you no matter what happen or how many people will miss interpreted you. Don’t worry love will come to you when you least expected even if you not looking for it.

  6. Certainly, you can do anything well … in love too, when you’ll find the right person.
    GOOD LUCK!!!
    And don’t forget: “Secret of Happiness is to Dream & Secret of Success is to Fulfill Your Dreams.”
    Congratulations for new Micro-Movie ICU!

  7. Prince,the girl your going to love is the luckiest in the world,you just dont have the time right now becoz of your killing schedules but you’ll be the best lover a woman dreamed of..

    that sounds lonely to me…poor boy! i want him to be happy but how can he? -_-

  8. Asia prince JKS is a GENIUS! I mostly admire him for achieving everything he states when the time comes. I’m sure when he feels it’s time to focus and follow his love trail ….. Oh my …oh my … he will announce it to the world in a surprising way. Every occasion I’ve seen of him has an elegant touch … never seen him take any task lightly … At such a young age he is truly an admirable person. I agree with the ladies above who say that Hollywood actors don’t mean much after following and watching JKS. I’m very impressed with his interviews which shows his intelligent side. Thank you to this blog and Tenshi who helps us understand everything that’s going on. Whatever role he chooses for his next drama will surely be a hit. He takes his acting seriously and expresses his parts to the fullest. It makes me wonder why am I so interested in him and his daily life? Does it make sense when he doesn’t even know me and I have such a busy life. More so because I’m 60+ so my children and grandchildren think I’m crazy! He also has a kind heart and respectful to others while always showing his true self. From this side of the world to the other side I send my prayers for him because I can see he is a very sincere person. Thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts on such a special person. God bless you all, too.


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