19 thoughts on “[pics] JKS at Incheon Airport Leaving for Taiwan Team H Party Show_20130403”

  1. Goodmorning.. that are a lot handsome pics of JKS withhis new toy…pig waiting for moe pics and vids yeah

    • Well, I would love to vote but there’s no version in English… If you guys provide some small explanation of what needs to be clicked and where, I would be more than glad to vote for, both, him and Yoona.

      Thank you, in advance for your help with this :o)

      • oh im sorry i dont know either.. im just waiting for the admins here to help us with this. i really really want to vote for the two stars of love rain..

  2. korean media daebak!!!! they are beginning to love him!!!! no more funny headlines on him… and with a few news coverage of his airport departure..

  3. Xanthe, im praying so much for that to happen.. until now he has still 0% in the poll. it breaks my heart 🙁


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