[article] JKS Is Featuring in TongYi Juice’s New Micro-Film

Original Source: http://www.yoka.com/star/hotshot/2013/0402782292.shtml
English Translation: Springsuk_USA

Since May 2012, JKS and PMY signed as spokesmen for Tongyi Juice , their fresh, confidence images have shown fashion, personality and varieties., which has completely illustrated what Tongyi proposed beauty connotation. They also earned many fans’ love.

2013, Tongyi will team up with JKS, PMY and their agent company HS Media to make a special micro-film which featured JKS and PMY. The mini movie will explain its brand’s inside and out beauty view. For the people who love JKS and PMY and support Tongyi Group the movie shows a fashionable sunny and beautiful living style. The screen shots of the movie have pure visual beauty and the plot to make you have reverie also earned many fans marvel.
In the revealed pictures of the movie, JKS’s fashion, handsome and soulful image loved by people. He is company’s the drink delivery man and also a charming singer on the stage. The two very different styles have made lots of fans daydreaming. JKS was very seriously worked on his first micro-film, his acting with PMY will be also the focus of this movie. So in the movie, what happen between JKS and PMY after they met? And what catalytic role that Tongyi Juice in the movie as of? The fans have been gearing up to have became director began to speculate the micro film’s plot.
The first release of the movie will be on April 10 at Tongyi Official Website (www.o-box.cn). For fans of JKS and PMY and Tongyi Juice it will bring a brand new gluttonous experience.

Note: To see BTS pictures of this film click HERE

7 thoughts on “[article] JKS Is Featuring in TongYi Juice’s New Micro-Film”

  1. Can’t wait…love the feeling of this picture already…
    Does anybody know how long a micro film is??? : D

  2. how can i watch this movie and what’s the title of this movie. omg omg omg…JKS on screen again. ^^


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