19 thoughts on “[FA] Casey’s Fan Account of Team H Party in Shanghai_20120316”

  1. Sighhhh…..wonder when it will be my turn…..i never get tired of reading FAs… hope to read more juicy ones from our CEO 😛

  2. Thanks Casey I enjoyed your FA 🙂 I have yet to attend any of his Team H parties but hmmm…I think he was extra super hot in the Shanghai party based on the pics I’ve seen, and your FA kekeke

    • Most welcome ELISA, yes indeed super hot and you should attend if you have chance….great you enjoyed my FA

  3. Thanks very much for Sis Casey to bring me back all the sweet memories in Shanghai Team H Party and I love you, Mr. Jang Keun Suk ^0^

  4. This is an excellent site. The most important is Casey had described it very clear the whole situation and she had connected each everyone who love JKS.
    Keep it up. 🙂

  5. Casey, our prince was super duper naughty, wasn’t he? ‘He licked and rubbed the balls against his chikubi’? I am officially ‘wet’……oops.. sorry for my language, but I just want to be honest kkkkk

  6. Thanks Casey!!! I have never been to any team H party/concert before, will definitely go for it next time!!!


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