[news] Team H song from New Album “What Is Your Name” will go trial release in China on Jan 25_20130122

Original source: 凤凰网娱乐, 新浪娱乐

“Asia Prince” Jang Keun Suk, recently revealed 2013 New Team H Album behind the scene pictures on weibo, within 24 hours, 50,000 fans has left comments. Also first time Jang Keun Suk has new year countdown with his Chinese fans. He was on Hunan TV New Year Countdown Show and sang a Chinese song. He said his new album is undergoing busy preparation. His first Korean single “What is your name” will be first released in China on Jan 25.

This song is talking about meeting a girl and very eagerly to know her name.


7 thoughts on “[news] Team H song from New Album “What Is Your Name” will go trial release in China on Jan 25_20130122”

  1. Looks so different but true identity of Jang is really amazing he still the one of brightest star I ever seen no matter what kind of he looks but for me only one JKS can do it really cool and good when it comes of singing.I believe that his album with team h will a big hit

  2. still can’t decide which version of the album to purchase; all the pics looks so great..like they always joke…he’s got “personality” lol

    • That happened to many eels like some of us who can’t decide and ended up buying more than 1 edition ^_^

  3. What is your name? My name is Esther and I waiting like crazy to heard the song,i pre order the cd yesterday with the help of my daughter,so I didnt know what version she bought,but the cost was $45,00 in yes Asia.I like the hair style,cool.


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