[01.01.2013] Tree-J staff twitter & Weibo

@codeinconnu (twitter)
Mr. Ho Ling! Really love you today! Can feel your love for actor Jang! Really thank you very much! – Queen of Chinese artiste world Madam Xie Na! Your husband’s tank performance is very fantastic! Have to learn Chinese from now on!!
허지웅님! 오늘 너무 반했어요! 장배우를 너무 예뻐해주시는 마음이 느껴졌어요!! 정말 정말 감사합니다!! ㅡ 중국 예능여왕 시에나님! 남편분의 탱크 퍼포먼스도 짱! 이제부터 중국 공부합니다!!
何炅先生!今天真是太愛你了!能感覺到你對張演員的疼愛!真的真的非常感謝你!─ 中國藝能界女王謝娜女士!老公的坦克演出也非常棒喔!現在開始要學中文了!!

01:47 hrs
@codeinconnu (Weibo)
Thanks!! Eels in changsa!! Very wonderful night!! Thank you very much!! Happy new year!! pic is after showtime

10:59 hrs
@codeinconnu (Weibo)
Bye bye~ CHINA! I am going to miss all!! but Team-H Album be scheduled 2013 / 02 release!! This Album have CHA ver. song Go! Go! 2013 with JKS zikzin!!

11:09 hrs
@codeinconnu (Weibo)
“Where is our prince?” ㅡ Secret

4 thoughts on “[01.01.2013] Tree-J staff twitter & Weibo”

  1. A performance of excellence. Grand entrance, received most attention and greeted by host, given ample time to perform and interact with the audience. Ah! A unique attire for New Year’s concert of which in my opinion no other could match.
    Anyone still worried of what he will wear to where… He is “The-Jang Geun Suk”. Love it!

  2. Fantastic performance and wonderful show. His stage presence are great. Even if language is the barrier, the way he handle the talking part it didn’t look awkward. I’m lucky to catch the show live.


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