[27.11.2012] Jason Jang’s Weibo

For next year’s Team H Show, I come here. There will be also Chinese song… here is Cri Show final Stop. Let’s looking forward to next year’s super party Long H Show !! But… what is Jang Keun Shuai (note: he typed Suk instead of Shuai in Chinese, because Shuai means handsome)’s facial expression… haha ^^
为了明年的演出我来了这〜Team H!! 中文歌曲也会来〜 这里是cri show final站!大家期待一下明年super party lounge H show!! 可是…张根帅这表情… 哈哈^^

14 thoughts on “[27.11.2012] Jason Jang’s Weibo”

  1. Can’t wait For Sukkie’s creativeness Next year. This year’s Cri-show was so creative and magical eels felt Sukkie’s magical world filled with wonders and and lessons to learn! Last year’s Show felt like eels were in a castle for royalties and were bedazeled by the charming prince that lived in it and his struggles to balance between his duties as a prince and his own wishes as a person <3 What will it be next year? ……

    Will the theme be about …. LOVE? ^0^ It will be interesting in prince let us in on how he views love! Welcome to JKS's heart!!!! What a title! My heart is already beating!
    Love of Family , love of friends and love for eels! Wait! We shouldn't forget love for oneself too! ^_^

    Sorry! Got ahead of myself. Whatever he chooses to do , I will always pray for the best for him and all his loved ones and all my eel sisters.

    • Hiiiiiiiiiii Cri-J!!!!!! What a lovely surprise!!!! Haven’t seen you here for so long!! Miss you so much!!!!

    • our prince loves to tease Jason ^_~ Jason we’re looking forward to more prince in China next year! Please don’t disappoint us !

  2. Oh wait!!! There is another type of love that wasn’t mentioned in my previous post! I thought I wrote it but I didn’t …… Romantic love!! ^___^

  3. oppa, smile!;) u r on camera.. im so glad that jason updated us something when he is in silence.. that expression of him is like.. “DONT U DARE TO POST MY PHOTO!!!”.. kekeke.. just for laugh.. and BB so cute!!;) cant wait for team H album..

  4. jang dont be a child ))) i like you face .
    well i expect you come here in europa and us tour ,to promote your albums ,your beautiful songs.

  5. our Prince is such a handsome spoiler..he loves to tease Jason he even call him ‘pig’ kkk
    BB is really cute..can’t wait for their next album!

    TEAM H ROCKS ! ! !

  6. hhha i know y is he makin such a face.. coz he knws he wud still
    so handsome.. cuter and adorable!! love love love!!<3<3


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