Happy Bithday Prince JKS! It’s Sept 26, yr solar calendar BD!
May you enjoy your BD again & hv plenty of wonderful encounters in Berlin. Stay healthy ( don’t eat too many oily food, drink less & smoke less), stay happy and wish all your dreams come true!!!!
Dropping by to wish Prince JKS a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Who knows, he might be lurking in JKSForever Blog while he’s in Berlin..(Sukkie,are u reading our comments?).
We miss you,please break your silence and come back soon (^_-)!!!
VIVA! VIVA! VIVA to you, Viva! You lucky girl. Thank you so much for sharing you have done great favor for us, i like the beat of your song as well. I hope the Prince would really come to your restaurant. If he will, feed him well okey? i like your name too( it means salute or applause or long live, according to my dictionary) So VIVA! Viva! VIVA JANG KEUN SUK!
Wow! What a grand way to greet him, such a warm welcome to Berlin with the lovely song … JKS must be smiling to see this video …. maybe jaw-dropping to see his eels know his exact arrival at 21.40hrs on Sept 23 in Berlin. His eels are so sweet to him. He deserves it. Guess this will ease his tiredness, brings energy to him. Thanks, Viva and Sukkiefanusa! Wish all Berlin eels have a good time with JKS!!
Adorable vid & fan account. So glad that he had some loyal eels to greet him when he arrived!
I hope his time there in Berlin is productive and that he rests well as others advised!
He is such a sweet prince!!!! That’s why we love him so much! Thanks for sharing
Happy Bithday Prince JKS! It’s Sept 26, yr solar calendar BD!
May you enjoy your BD again & hv plenty of wonderful encounters in Berlin. Stay healthy ( don’t eat too many oily food, drink less & smoke less), stay happy and wish all your dreams come true!!!!
Dropping by to wish Prince JKS a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Who knows, he might be lurking in JKSForever Blog while he’s in Berlin..(Sukkie,are u reading our comments?).
We miss you,please break your silence and come back soon (^_-)!!!
VIVA! VIVA! VIVA to you, Viva! You lucky girl. Thank you so much for sharing you have done great favor for us, i like the beat of your song as well. I hope the Prince would really come to your restaurant. If he will, feed him well okey? i like your name too( it means salute or applause or long live, according to my dictionary) So VIVA! Viva! VIVA JANG KEUN SUK!
Happy Birthday to our dear Prince! I wish all your dreams come true…
Wow! What a grand way to greet him, such a warm welcome to Berlin with the lovely song … JKS must be smiling to see this video …. maybe jaw-dropping to see his eels know his exact arrival at 21.40hrs on Sept 23 in Berlin. His eels are so sweet to him. He deserves it. Guess this will ease his tiredness, brings energy to him. Thanks, Viva and Sukkiefanusa! Wish all Berlin eels have a good time with JKS!!