[14.09.2012] Tree-J twitter

Music Video “STAY”, one of songs included in Jang Keun Suk’s official album, will be released at 6:00 pm today. Eels who have been waiting for the MV, please click the link below and watch it ^^
장근석 정규앨범안에 있는 뮤직비디오가, 금일 오후 6시에 공개됩니다. 뮤직비디오를 기다리신 장어분들은 아래 링크에서 감상하시길 바랍니다^^

The opening day of “2012 Jang Keun Suk Asia THE CRISHOW2 in Osaka” starts soon. Eels, please be ready to have fun ^^ We will run through the show with eels today ^^
<2012 장근석 아시아투어 더 크리쇼2 인 오사카> 첫번째 공연 곧 시작합니다. 장어분들 즐길 준비해주세요^^ 오늘도 장어분들과 달립니다^^

The opening day in Osaka. We really appreciate eels who cheered Prince, standing up for 2 hours and 30 minutes. It was a touching show ^^ See you tomorrow!
오사카 첫번째 공연날, 2시간 30여분동안 모두 일어서서 프린스에게 환호와 응원해주신 장어분들, 정말 감사드립니다. 감동의 공연이였습니다^^ 내일 또 만나요!

4 thoughts on “[14.09.2012] Tree-J twitter”

  1. A wonderful video! Congratulations! In this song Sukkie is singing in Japanese or Korean? It would be great if someone could translate the lyrics.

    • there’s a similar video uploaded yesterday…check that out and you’ll find the english translation and the romanized version…the song is in japanese…enjoy!

  2. eels would never mind standing for long hours coz im sure they’re enjoying every minute of the our prince’s awesome performance…i wish one day i could also see him perform live 🙁


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