OMG!!! We haven’t expected at all… he visited us again too soon!!!! But we’re really glad you came!! * This is Keun-chan’s four time visit to our Akasaka branch on Sep. 7, 2012~~ This time we could finally take his picture. For your information, the guy next to him is Oh restaurant manager~ Even he dressed casually, he is cool and cute^^
OMG!!! 完全にノーマーク。予想外でした...こんなに早く再来店してくださるとは!!!!でも、ほんっとに嬉しいっ!!★グンちゃん、赤坂店4度目のご来店(2012年9月7日)です〜〜 今回は念願のお写真も撮って下さいました。ちなみに隣はプロカンジャンケジャン赤坂店の呉(オ)店長で〜す。普段着姿もやっぱ、カッコいいし、かわいいですよね。^^

Another photo taken when he visited us on Sep. 7th. This time he visited us during his private trip, not business one. That’s why he enjoyed his relaxed dinner in a small group.
tenshi_akuma’s note: This Korean restaurant is “PUROKANJANKEJAN” located in Akasaka, Tokyo. Sukkie visited there four times! Here’s the official site. They also have restaurants in Korea and Osaka.

14 thoughts on “[Pics] JKS @PUROKANJANKEJAN in Tokyo”

  1. Kick back clothes, no make-up, relaxed smile…wah, looking good there, Sukkie! This guy, I could talk to! Not at all intimidated by his royal looks.

    I might just apply at this restaurant (manager position) if I know he likes going there – I might get to take a picture with him someday…and maybe even put my arm around him! lol! –

    Thanks, Tenshi, for the info about the restaurant. It just goes to show you that if Sukkie likes something, he sticks to it! I love his reliability.


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