Jang Keun Suk debut 20th anniversary event on Seoul Subway line 5

Some of eels here might have already joined this event. This event was planned by his official fan club “CRI-J” to celebrate his 20th anniversary of his debut and his birthday month (his birthday month continues until September). Special message posters will be put up on the wall of Seoul Subway line 5 for a month from Sep. 11th.

Credits: 장근석공식팬클럽Cri-J ‏@JKS_cri_j3
“Jang Keun Suk debut 20th anniversary subway event” tentative was revealed! See you soon on Seoul Subway line 5 <3
<장근석 데뷔 20주년 지하철 이벵> 시안을 공개합니닷! 5호선에서 만나요♡

Am I different from others a bit?

The more I’ve drawn attention recently,
the more I’ve been misunderstood and given a lot of advise.

If you want to be loved for a long time, you should choose secrecy.
You shouldn’t speak out what you want to say.
Sometimes you have to force yourself to act.

However, I am Jang Keun Suk.

No matter who says to me, I live as a free man.
I do shuffle dance on the street.
I speak out what I want to say.
I keep doing what I have been doing.

I believe sincerity will get across to everyone eventually.

“Jang Keun Suk at Tokyo Dome performance”

Jang Keun Suk debut 20th anniversary
I’m Jang Keun Suk.
We always support your dream!

20 thoughts on “Jang Keun Suk debut 20th anniversary event on Seoul Subway line 5”

  1. Wohh.. It’s been long journey Honey,congratulations Indeed. Looking back of your way to be here now, there were many difficulties you have through to get this place now.We eels are always here for you to support to become more brighter hallyu star. Love you sukkie.Wishing you can be here for long time and can give more love to all your eels .Take care your health always and love more to your family.

  2. eels would always be by ur side you can count on that our prince…together we’ll reach not only 40 years but far far beyond that…we love you oppa!!!!

    • Yes QQ, I believe it touches all eels heart or those who supported Prince. Only eels n supporters can understand these meaning….the most important is from Korean fans itself! Really happy on behalf of Prince. They way they choose to congratulate Prince was special and create attention!
      Happy 20th anniversary Prince! Your hardwork and effort been always recognized and appreciated by us! We love u!

  3. Oh my dear Prince!! You have come a long long way to reach at this point, the beginning point of your bright career. May you bless with highest success from this beginning point to another 20th years and more….!!! Go Zikzin!!!

    EELs will stand by you, walk together with you, lift you up when you stumble now and then, through out your journey, many many years to come.

    • Well said Kailey.. His words here always move me and make me realize why and how eels have come to love him..and will stand by him …always..

  4. Thank you CRI-J for your fantastic & very meaningful support to our Prince! JKS has worked so hard for twenty years. This ad not only express JKS thoughts, it also shows eels’ love & support. A very special & memorable act by eels to JKS. No wonder JKS is so touched! So happy for you Prince!Happy 20th anniversary!

  5. 20 years is not an easy thing to achieve, congratulations, my Prince!!!! But this is only the beginning!! You’ve come this far living as a free man, I pray you continue living as one for another 20, 40, 80, 100 years to come!!!! The sky is the limit and you’ve got the wings to soar through it!! ZIKZIN!!!!!!

  6. I like the poem,so touching and the photo he is looking rihgt to the front,yes don’t be afraid,always look to the front,not the back or the past,we always be with you.Congratulations. I read that the dinners for celebrate his anniversary in Korea and Jappan will be since November,he said in the Codes Ccmbine interview,i read one transcription, not complete.

  7. Love the message… Yes, he should continue to do what he had always been doing. I hope he never changes as his eels have come to love and admire him because he is who he is. To me, his sincerity is beyond reproach. And because of it, he will surely go a long way. Yes, people may misunderstand him, but let them say what they want to say. As long as his heart is sincere and what he’s doing is right, and that he is not stepping on anyone in his journey to success, he will be where he wants to be.


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