[07.09.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & Big Brother twitter

I want to see… I miss … Big Brother’s past. The innocent young man, Jung…. Kurt…
보고싶다…그립다….빅브라더의과거 순수청년 정….커…트…

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Out of the blue. What’s it..?? kkkkkk
@AsiaPrince_JKS ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 밑도끝도 없이 뭐여 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Where are you… my innocent friend..
“@bigbrothersound: @AsiaPrince_JKS ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 밑도끝도 없이 뭐여 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”ㅡ넌 어디있니…순수했던 내친구..

You also had a time like this… At that time you were really innocent.
너도 이럴때가 있었지…이땐 참 순수했었지

Oh, just cute
@bigbrothersound 오 쫌 귀엽당

I burst into laughter when I saw this kkkkkk Seriously had a big laugh kkkkkk because he was sleeping too finely kkkkk
@bigbrothersound 나 이거보고 빵 터짐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 레알 웃음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 너무 곱게 주무신다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

SAEROMi added fuel to the fire kk
@2SAEROMi @bigbrothersound 불난집에 부채질하는 새로미 ㅋㅋ

We were truly innocent..
우린 참 순수했었지..

By the way… who on earth are you?
근데 대체 넌 누규…

….Who…. are….. you….?

Buhahahahahahahaha you dog….. I’ll bury you
@AsiaPrince_JKS 푸하하하하하하하하 너이새끼…..묻어버린다

My beloved friend.. Let’s give applause to Big Brother who is working hard for TeamH’s new album at a studio..!!!!
“@bigbrothersound: @AsiaPrince_JKS 푸하하하하하하하하 너이새끼…..묻어버린다”ㅡ사랑하는 내 친구..team H의 새로운 앨범을 위해 작업실에서 고생중인 빅브라더에게 박수를..!!!!

Kurt, when the new song is going to be out???
@AsiaPrince_JKS @bigbrothersound 커트. 신곡은 언제쯤???

31 thoughts on “[07.09.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & Big Brother twitter”

  1. LOL… I’m so glad they are back to joking around on Twitter! One of the things I missed most is Sukkie’s and Big Brother’s interaction. They are so hilarious when they get together.

  2. It’s really nice to see they two still keep it up to get along and happy and sharing together each other idea, feeling, work so far.BB is really innocent young man there in the picture like Sukkie is.Whenever i see them , the successful young men I feel like I got many courage to get my goal not even can’t be like them at least I can get my target soon. :)). I really love both of them and appreciate their hard working..

  3. I do really love this twiter. So real and so innocent . Enjoy the time being with such a good friend even at work.

  4. to be frank , i personally don’t like big brother because when JKS with him, our prince looks so wild, eeeeee not good

      • lol, Kailey!! I too believe that JKS was wild since the moment he was born! lol!

        I don’t think is sad at all that he is wild! I think his creativity and success lies in him being this wild – like he draws from this energy to have new dreams. I’ve noticed that every time he performs with BB as Team H, he winds up being excited about new projects.

        I believe that he finds it comfortable letting lose when he is with Big Brother because who else is he going to let lose with? The guys at Tree-J? lol! If he had more friends to perform with, he would even be wilder! I love our wild Prince – he’s young and should enjoy being the free spirited man that he is.

    • Yes I was thinking the same, like if he changed when he is with him, even wear the same clothes but maybe his real personality or the one he enjoys most is when he is with his friend but yes, his friend does not look innocent to me either, they are both grown up men.

  5. TeamH GoGoGo Zikzin!!! Keep on producing GREAT Work!! EELs are waiting for you both. I don’t know what BB’s fans are called?? So I presumed EELs are his fans too…kekeke

    • I twitted this question to JKS because I was wondering too!! I said, Jang Keun Suk’s fans are called eels. What are Team H’s fans called? …..of course…he didn’t reply!!! LOL!!!!!! I’m assuming they’re eels too!! Or perhaps I should twit the question to Big Brother?! lol!

  6. Au, I think jks have his own personality,yes wild at times,but if you compared he and BB with actors of USA, for example and with all respect for this actors or singers they are saints,only drink and smoke,but not drugs or sex scandals,so its mild wild.kkkkk

  7. hello everyone, I would like to ask a favor… I can’t understand what JGS and the others are saying in this video… But from what I know, JGS was spilling a bean about someone who bullied him before… This video was years ago… But, I really want to know the exact words JGS said because some are criticizing him and others said that what he said is ok… Thank you so much!!! Hugs and kisses!!! Actually, I’ve been following this blog for a year now… This blog and all the girls here are great and amazing… This is my 3rd time commenting here… Thank you again…


    • vht7: I don’t understand Korean but I remember seeing this long time ago. Sukkie related an incident where that senior in the pink shirt once criticised him after a show that the way Sukkie sat with his legs were not culturally proper because there would be older people than him watching the show on TV. Sukkie immediately called his managers and held a meeting to discuss this and after consulting a few people, he did not think he was wrong. That senior used to have a wine CF. Since that incident, Sukkie would never drink that brand and choose a rival brand instead. This is roughly my understanding of the vid. The vid you showed here is a variety show, it could have been exagerated as well cos it’s meant to make people laugh.

    • Here is the text translation 🙂
      JKS: I was hurt by someone here. I hesitate to mention the name, so I’ll explain the situation. I attended a funeral. I was sitting after greeting. When I was going to leave, I got stopped by the person. I don’t say who he is, but the person with single-edged eyelid spoke to me. He was sitting across from me. I said to him, “Hello” and he stared at me and replied “I don’t like you”. I was surprised that I was preached by the person who is famous as a host on entertainment TV shows. I usually sit cross-legged while I am interviewed. He said, “It’s impolite to senior viewers. They are simliar generation to your parents, right?” I thought I was wrong and apologized. “I’m sorry I’ve lived in foreign countries for a long time, though it was only six months. I studied abroad when I had to learn sense. I’m sorry for my rudeness.” Then he asked me “Give me your honest opinion”, so I answered, “Honestly I don’t think there is a single answer.” Then, I was going to leave. He said to me, “How can you say such a thing to a sinior who is 13 years older than you?” I was mentally shocked to hear that because I had tried not to act rude to others so far. When I finally left the funeral, it was 3 am and I called my manger to come to a cafe to hold an emergent meeting about cross-legged sitting. Because I’m blood type A. I asked my manager, “Sitting cross-legged is rude and implite enough to be preached by him for a long time?” I was really hurt and just thinking of this episode makes me feel frustrated, so I planned a revenge because I was said though I tried to do my best. There is a medicative drink called “condition” and he appeared on the TV commercial. I liked drinking “condition”, but I replaced it with “morning” since then. This is my way of revenge. When “condition” was served, I asked the staff to replace it with other drinks.

      The man (Kim Je Dong): I drank too much at that time. I found JKS sitting across from me. I wanted him to change the posing and preached him for one and a half hours. When I get drunk, I talk the same topic over and over. It’s OK to sit cross-legged on the chair.

      JKS: When I sit cross-legged on the chair, I feel easy. I don’t sit like this. I try to answer questions seriously and sincerly at interviews.

      Kim Je Dong: Sorry, Keun-Suk. I’ll help you to sit cross-legged more easily. I can even carry you, too.

      The host: The most important thing is you said to him “I don’t like you”.

      Kim Je Dong: I know sitting cross-legged is not good for our back. So I advised him not to do so. Because I was worried about his back.

      The host: Will you drink “conditon” in the future?

      JKS: Yes, I will. Even from tomorrow.

      • Now i am learning that Prince JKS is quite sensitive but very honest about how he feel. I am a new fan and there are more things i need to learn about him.For one, he is also a human being…..

      • Thank you very very much Tenshi!!! Thank you for giving your time in translating the video!!! You are such an angel!!! Thank you… 🙂

      • Thanks for the translation, Tenshi. Do you know what “Beacause I’m blood type A,” means? I always read about his blood type and don’t quiet understand why it’s so important. Does it have a special meaning in Korea? Is it like the zodiac signs that sort of have an influence in your behavior and traits? I’m asking you becasue you are the Queen of Knowledge regarding JKS! Thanks in advance for your reply!!! xoxo

  8. Thank you Tensi for the translation, he was very brave and kind when told about the situation without offend the other person,even this man offended him first,most important JkS forgive him, clap for Sukkie.


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