29 thoughts on “[pics-2] JKS Cri Show 2 at Taiepei Arena 20120901”

  1. Sarah I choose pic 19 *-* I love his expression in that picture and pic 22 it really looks like ouch prince’s face says everything

    • Wen, the dancer using a hand towel to wipe Prince’s sweat all over and throw it to the eels…I wish I’m the one who got it. :'(

  2. Incredible collection of pictures. Thanks for sharing. I don’t even know what to say really. He’s amazing. I continue to dream of the day that it will be me that is witnessing one of these wonderful shows. Even the bandage on his chin doesn’t take away for the impact that a live performance by our Star. I especially love him in that ivory suit. I can understand why that is his favorite color.

    • Andrea, I feel the same way, when I look at these pictures, I feel kind of blue that I didn’t attend his show and I feel how much I have missed from his fantastic performance. 🙁 Keep the hope, one day, I will be there.

      • me too..these pics make me want to see him more..i wanna watch his shows live.. hope to see him someday..gonna save money to reach this dream..:-)

    • Andrea & Sarah…. I’m sure you will meet Sukkie one day and should be very soon if he starts the US tour… his Taipei Cri show is very special to me because partly it is his 20th anniversary concert and also first time I see an artiste who can perform so well even with a plaster at his chin and if I didn’t look at the big screen, I would not have notice his bandaid even I’m seated in front.. really impressive performance by Sukkie & his team. Another thing which made me happy is this show, all the eels are really cheering Sukkie with the JKS light stick and no flash photography which happened in Shanghai Cri show.. Sukkie is also really happy in this show ^_^ I hope the coming Shenzhen Cri show, the eels will also showing this kind of support & respect fro him & his team.

      • MrSukki90, where are you from? Don’t worry.. just keep the dream going to meet him one day and I believe you will meet him also..

      • That’s wonderful that Eels gave him respect not to take flash photography. I know they aren’t supposed to take any but at least they were giving him respect. It really upset me to read how little respect for JKS there was in Shanghai 🙁 I’m looking forward to hearing reports of the Shenzhen show and hopefully will get similar reports from there as there was from Taiwan. Maybe we will have another inside paparazzi. 🙂

    • Absolutely right Esther, that’s y I said can’t take my eyes off from him during the whole show coz I’m scared that will miss any of his expressions.

  3. Farina,i enjoyed the club so much that almost forget JKS FOREVER,HAHAHA,but NO,now i have to split my love for both.Thank you Sarah.

  4. QQeyes,i know you are sick,but later I saw your message,but I got a lot of them that I dont know if I replay yours,sorry,kkk Casey I wait for you,but I dont know if they extend the red carpet for you too,Sukkie gave me his favorite flower to welcome me,so it was an epic experience for me.Ivy helpped me a lot.

  5. Thank you for all the photos .. I feel sad I can’t still involve in that such a great ever events of Sukkie. I always wishing to be with him as one of his friends just a moment in my life. How much lucky and will have fun to enjoy together life and ofcourse that a serious man for his work and for his professional in life.I feel his message by seeing that photos..
    thank alot.I love them all.


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