Numero TOKYO will provide an additional volume “SUPER ARTIST by LESLIE KEE feat. Jang Keun-Suk” as the supplement of their October 2012 issue. This photo is the cover of the supplementary booklet. It includes 20 pages of photos and interview. Numero TOKYO October 2012 will be issued on August 28th.
According to the staff blog, they had offered him to appear the magazine for a long time. And finally, he accepted! This time he appears as the first artist of their new feature “SUPER ARTIST” booklet series. All the staff praised he’s considerate, charming and quick-witted!! Despite a brief explanation of the concept for shooting, he completely understood how he should make his facial expression. Only Leslie said to him, “Something like that” is enough for him to prepare for the shooting. This talent proves he must be a genuine star. In this booklet, we can see his various charms from sexiness to coolness. And also it includes BTS, private photos, and exclusive interview. Can’t wait!
The staff meeting before shooting
Ooohhhh. ……that look…… Without words……. Hust wiping droool….kkkkk
Ooohhhh…..that look…… Without words……. Just wiping drool….kkkkk
Oooooppsieeeeee lol!!!
Farina, calm down. I understand how excited you are now. lol.
LOLLL>…unnie, your post make my day. You make me laugh for no reason. thank you.
Kaori-chan….cant help…seriously………..
LOL!!!! ^5 Farina
No wonder JANG GEUN SUK!!!!!!!!!
Same here,,,,almost faint!!!lol,
Farina, I recommend you to access this page at hospital, with some medical staff. Lol.
Kaori-chan, under the influence of drugs, im afraid i may call the doctors ‘Sukkie’ …. I already embarassed myself once with my colleague….. Thank god he didnt hear me….
Anxious to get a copy for my collection!
Thank Kaori chan for posting this Mag. I do wish we, international eels, able to get a hold of this mag. I am dying to read his interviews.
i was just thinking would this be the photo shoot he was doing before that show that he said that he had no undies i see that he is wet in that pic so i wonder if that is it
you’re right Suzanne no undies after this shot jejeje Peels Let’s dive!!!!!
i really love wet suk… it is just too… Waiting for the interview
his interviews are perfect 
LOL he can use his red super short shorts as boxer 
By the way i also believe this is the shooting which caused him to go heyheyhey without boxer
Tenshi and Farina thanks for made me laugh.Tenshi i told you, he looks sublime.Run to the magazine store again, Tenshi,to buy SPUR magazine October issue,no he is not in the cover,but have a special DVD from Love Rain,Did you knew it.
Thanks, Esther. About SPUR, I oredred “Love Rain” complete edition of Blu-ray. So I don’t have to buy it because of the reason. But I have to buy Blu-ray player for the reason! Lol.
Ohh,see Love Rain in bue_ray ,priceless,i imaginate the scene now,you and your cute mom seating in from of the TV with the box of teassues near,for the crying scenes,the cats and dogs outsite saying miau and wow,wow,but you dont hear it,thebell of the of the door and the phone ringing and you dont care ,tones of news and videos wating for translation and you saying ,sorry eels you have to wait and a chaos in other sites because of that,all shut down,Ivy trying to traslate all with japanese dictionary,no comments in jksforever,kkkkkkk,all that will happend with a epic DVD,YOU are very important to us Tenshi,take care .
Eshter, don’t worry. I’m always with you eels ^^
I add girls to the DVD story,when Sarah Y,knows about Tenshi desapearence for 23 hours,20 episodes of the drama plus the 3 hours of bts ,she saw it without stopping, Sarah convoque a urgent meeting with the 40 country members of ECI for help searching her,because Farina was taken by his family to the hospital,she was traumatize with the fact that Tenshi don t show her the inside pages of the Numero magazine that have Sukkie without undies,kkkkkk,QQeyes put the ambert alert in the internet(is for childrens,but Tenshi looks young), and made the video with the Toy story theme,Thats are friends for,so cute,here is the links,http://……hahaha,all the eels of the world are worry and send twitts and weibos to jks ,driving him almost crazy,so he fly to Japan,to her house to see what happened and find Tenshi happy enjoy the epic Blue Ray DVD of course she faint when was Jks, so sweet.
So funny, you know quite well about our staff! Lol!
Esther, you make me smile again with your comments as like what Kaori chan.. you knew our team work very well in JKSforever blog & ECI.. ^_^ I love your imagination again.. I believe Kaori chan & myself are giggling when we see your messages..
Would you please let me know where can buy “Numero” TOKYO in Hong Kong ?
thank you