19 thoughts on “[Pics] SUMMER SONIC TOKYO_20120819 (1)”

  1. Sukkie’s workouts are paying off! He looked so manly and his performance was great! Daebak Team H, all the best in your Europe tour & future plans!

  2. Thank you Tenshi , I already comment about this photos in other section of the blog, there are 25 aditional photos that I saw, are so sexy and hot too includes ones after they presentation,he change his clothes and went to saw the other singers from the seats and interact with the people,he was very cool with them.

  3. Tenshi,sorry i forgot that you dont post not oficial photos ,i saw the photos again and was scanned from the video, but the others are from fans.Did you saw the new Wait magazine? only ask if you have for your personal collection,because is very dificult to translate 78 pages,dont do it.

  4. Great shots! I love how intense he looks! Their performance was so full of energy. I wished I would have been there.

  5. I noticed Jang Keun Suk has built bigger muscles. So hot and manly! So passionate and intense in his performance and Big brother too. Congrats Team H!

  6. Tenshi,Sukie leaved Japan from Korea,the photos are out.I read articles from korean media about Team H presentation they talk very well and also read twitter from people who dont like Sukkie in the past, but when saw the presentation and the way that he manage the situation about pushing people in Tokyo even males said good things about him and he won male eels there.

    • Thanks for the info, Esther. Hopefully, some kind Eels will update us on the feedback about Sukkie’s performance from the Korean media and Summer Sonic attendees.

  7. There is a video too,I am happy because eels are there ,in KOREA waited for him.Oh the things are changing there.


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