20 thoughts on “[Fan Account] YOKOHAMA CRI SHOW2_20120722”

  1. Awwww Kaori chan, thank U so much for the sharing… It brings back fond memories of the Seoul cri show.
    I was so glad to read the translation of what he said during the Yokohama show. Indeed this was the only part of cri show which I felt lost as I could not understand what he said…. But as I read your FA, I couldn’t hold back my tears. I could almost imagine if I heard this during the cri show itself…. It’s just so touching as these are spoken from the heart. I love how he interacts with eels too thru the Jo-Zikzin and So-da-ne 🙂
    I am really happy for you that you are able to attend the show with your mom and with such good seats!! Looking forward to hear more FA from u… During which u will be front view very good seats too!!! 🙂 Zikzin!!!

  2. Kaori chan.. many many Thanks for the wonderful FA and I guess many of us are secretly waiting for this but we keep quiet as all of us know you’re busy too… you’re always lucky eel star and I think I would work very hard like you if I got to see 6 concerts of Sukkie at different venue on his 20th anniversary year! ^_^ So happy for your mum too as I can imagine it must be very disappointing for her if she did get to go with you.. I would feel very sad like you too… anyway, I’m glad both of you have a wonderful evening with Sukkie.. I love what he said in the Cri show 2 as by reading what you have written, I feel so touched already.. I think I would have tears in my eyes if I hear him saying that… with the FA of you, Hazy & Ivy for Cri show 2.. I’m trying my luck on the tickets for Taipei Arena & also the last show at Bangkok.. good that the ticket is released on Sunday as I may have to take off day if the tickets is released on working day, wish me luck too ok my lucky eel sister! ^_^

      • Thanks… Kaori chan!!! ^_^
        I’m prepared for the worst as I told Ivy too if I can’t get the ticket for Bangkok Cri Show 2, we will just treat as a short getaway from work (like Sukkie now) and bonding trip for eels and meeting some of the eel friends we have not seen before..

  3. Congrats, Kaori~!! Your perseverance in getting tickets paid off! And 1st time so near the stage, so happy for you~~

    Thanks for sharing what he said – so cute n cheeky (I LOL at his original song “Yesterday, Nagoya~ Today, Osaka~ Tomorrow, Saitama~ Next month, Tokyo Dome~! Perfect, JKS~ Great, JKS~ I’m genius~!!”

    And at the same time, so wise and mature for a guy of his age, that he is his own rival. He is an inspiration to us ^^

    I enjoyed his singing very much too! Lovely voice~ 🙂

  4. Kaori chan,see I used the other name, I told in early comments that you are sweet, but you are more than that,very, very, very sweet, I enjoyed your fan account so much, I cryed,i laugh and I felt that I m there too. Did you know that the first fan account I read it was your mom and I was very shocked that she went to the concerts , she is very cute and lovely for support you like that, my respects to her,please.
    QQEyes007, I hope that you can get the tickets,go,go,go girl,you can do it,fighting.

  5. Thanks so much for sharing! i am so touched by his words, he inspires us a lot, im glad i have found him, he lets me dream and strive to rediscover a different me, let’s keep dreaming with him!

  6. Kaori chan, Thank you so much for sharing with us your wonderful precious experiences meeting Sukkie yet again. Special thanks for translating his SPEECH.

    I’m soo touched when reading, “Don’t fight against others. Rather fight against yourselves.” This is one of the reasons why I love him so much. Sukkie always promote sincerity, love, and peace. (Though, sometime his actions and messages got twisted (or mis-interpreted) by people in a negative and malicious ways…….many people don’t know him enough think that he is a BAD person). In my opinion, his speech intentional or not, JKS would never ever wishing any harm or violent attract on anyone.

    Another quotes that touched my heart, “What is your dream you had in childhood? My dream is now to be World Prince. Like me, I want you to have your own dream.” JKS has a BIG dream and he always encourages his eels to have dreams, too. JKS has such a GREAT rapport with his fans; he can freely share his thoughts and feelings with his fans. I love his positive attitude and thinking about goals and dreams.

    OMG…every time I read Sukkie’s words of wisdom, I’m always crying with happiness. My heart fills with love and my mind fills with wonderful ideas and inspirations.

    I am so trapped; can’t get enough of him. I’m keep falling for him deeper and deeper every time I read his FanAccounts, articles and interviews.

    Kaori chan, I love love your Fanaccounts, you have always written with so much insightful love, perspective feelings and thoughts. I can feel your emotions, your excitement, and great experience through every word you have written. I super love your personal story with your MOM….your Mum is such a wonderful, understanding and supporting lady. Awwwwe…..you are such an awesome story teller!!!!!!

  7. Thanks Kaori for sharing your experience. I really really want to see Sukkie in concert and I’m still struggling myself whether to attend Taipei or Shen Zhen concert as no-one will accompany me to go (I’m a new JKS fan from Hong Kong and have joined Eels’ Club International yesterday). Moreover I have no experience in buying concert tickets in other countries. I really need your advice. Thanks!

    • Hi Anita,

      I’ve dropped you an email with recommendation to contact someone in ECI.
      Hope that helps. ^^

  8. thanks for sharing…. im so dissapointed why sukkie not come in hongkong for this year…. im really want see his concert…………

  9. Thank U so much for sharing.
    Wow, how I wish I m as lucky as you, Kaori Chan, to be able to attend so many of
    Sukkie’s concerts within the year.

    Our prince really understands the feelings of his eels and I laughed out on the part where he mentioned about eels’ worry about him / a roller coaster life as eel ……
    Being a mum, sometimes I really feel like I have another son ( a big and handsome son) which I need to protect and worry about, lol.

  10. Once again, thank you very much, Kaori-chan! His words, as always, are very inspiring. He never fails to let his eels know how much he loves them, just as much as they love him. I’m lost for words… Sukkie is truly an amazing person whom you can’t help but love and admire.

  11. I have tears in my eyes right now, don’t know really why. Because I’m really impressed by his words, attitude way of life, or because I’m so far from seeing him ever. It’s true that he’s a model for a lot of people and I’m happy with just discovering him and watch him from a distance. This just gave me power and made my days happier.
    Many thanks Kaori-chan (I hope is OK if I call you like that); even if I’m not posting everytime I read something on this blog, I’m here everyday, checking for the news, supporting your actions and feeling inside my heart like a true eel.

  12. Thanks for sharing, Kaori-chan! You are so lucky to attend so many concerts of Sukkie!!! I am from Australia and planning a trip to Japan in September and hoping I can get the ticket in Nagoa. Will there be an online ticket booking website? Or will anyone sell the ticket outside the stadium? That is the only time I can get for this CRI SHOW2 (I tried so hard to get my leave approved) >< tears~~~~~ Any advice will be much appreciated! thanks!

  13. Thank you Kaori for the details on what he said in the show….. what you just mentioned is exactly how i would imagine our Prince to be….

    it’s his honesty in him that truly attracted me in the first place……. and how he perceive and view things in life….. “Don’t fight against others. Rather fight against yourselves. My rival is only me. You’re the same. Do your best to think you’re your own rival.” and many many more …… truly love his energy that he brings with himself everywhere…….

    Glad to know that both u and you mom manage to get such great seat even tho at such a last minute thingy…….

    Really am soo happy u manage to get to attend sooo many of his shows….. 🙂
    Have a great time for his up coming shows…. and this time round you will be able to concentrate on HIM and only HIM ……… “JYO – ZIKZIN” ^-^

    Thank you very much for penning this down…..


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