[26.06.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & BB & Becky twitter

Finally I did succeed to play tennis!!!
결국 테니스 쵸지기 성공!!!

Oops I only woke up now … what should I do..?
망했다 지금일어났다… いまおきた。。どうしよ。。
tenshi_akuma’s note: He tweeted at 08:20. TV program “Sukkiri” he would appear on already started at 8:00… -_-;

I just arrived at Nippon Television. When I got on an elevator, a big group was getting on it, too. I wondered it was rare this early in the morning, I found it’s Mr. Jang Keun Suk. It was a big surprise. I can’t believe such a coincidental event happened in showbiz!? He can’t have known me, so that I didn’t say hi to him. Instead, I glimpsed him about 147 times while I was on the elevator with him.
tenshi_akuma’s note: Becky is a Japanese artist whose father is British and mother is Japanese. Here is her official website.

Sorry, I was not quite awake this morning! I was still asleep at that time hahaha. I’m waiting for the next chance! Please follow me back!^^ and then now I’m awake -_-
“@Becky_bekiko: ㅡごめん!あさにはせしんがなかったよん!まだねていたのでwwwあとのチャンスをまってるよん!パロイングしてね!^^ そしていまおきた-_-
tenshi_akuma’s note: But Becky doesn’t follow anyone on Twitter…. Poor, Sukkie… -_-

Big Brother Kurt: I’m coming!!!!!
JKS: Nya I was scolded when I took a picture at Immigration -_-
“@bigbrothersound: 나도왔다!!!!! http://via.me/-2e743x8”ㅡㄴ ㅑ 이미구레션에서 사진찍으면 혼나-_-

What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? I received an unbelievable tweet from Mr. Jang Keun Suk. What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? How to reply? OMG. I have to think it over for a while. I’m nervous. I’m nervous. I’m nervous.
どうしよう どうしよう どうしよう どうしよう どうしよう どうしよう まさかの、チャングンソク様からの粒焼きが届いた。 どうしよう どうしよう どうしよう どうしよう どうしよう なんて返そう。 わわわわわ。 ちょっと考えてから打たなきゃ。 あせるあせるあせるあせる

Becky: It’s a miracle that he followed me.
JKS: I’m watching everything! If you (Becky-chan) cheat me, you’ll be a Kabayaki (grilled eels)!!!!!!!
“@Becky_bekiko: フ ォ ロ ーま で し て い た だ い た と い う 奇 跡”ㅡオレはぜんぶう見ているからさ!ベキちゃんもうあきしたらカバヤキになる!!!!!!!

Becky: I know you’ve worked very hard every day! I am Becky. You looked great even when you were half-awake! I continue to support you! Have a nice day! Praying for your happiness!
JKS: Thanks! luv ya~~~!
“@Becky_bekiko: @AsiaPrince_JKS まいにち、おつかれさまです!ベッキーです。 ねむそうな顔(かお)も、すてきでした! これからも、おうえんしています! Have a nice day! 행복을 빌다!ㅡうん!luv ya~~~!

19 thoughts on “[26.06.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & BB & Becky twitter”

  1. OMG, Sukkie and Becky, the two are totally flirting with each other on twitter, lol. How funny, to make all the eels jealous, heehee. I can fee the red eyes with heat gonna to grill her. Joking. Always feel good Sukkie has another artist to support him in Japan.

    Kaori, do you know what kind of artist she is?

  2. OMG! something’s fishy there! LOL..i jealous a bit but i feel happy for him if there are really something between them..seem sukkie have an interest to becky since he followed her first on twiiter..hmm..
    i want to know about her more..she’s really pretty..i hope she a good person in real life^^

  3. I knew her from SmapXSmap show japan tv prog. she used to be guest with her mother (she must be famous in Japan)…all of Smap member adore her beautiful eyes …she’s beautiful ^^

  4. Don’t forget Sukkie is nice to everyone so don’t get in to the wrong conclusion friends His smart enough as to know that now his making his way to the mid point so nothing should go wrong to tarnish his name and we shall always give him full support we are all in a family hahah!!!

  5. I cannot believe that his manager and staff did not wake him up for the show. Is he suppose to reach at 8 am or he was scheduled to appear later? I hope the Japanese staff for the show are not mad at him for being late since they seems to really like him in the past.

    But i must say he looks really cute half awake.

    Haha, and Becky is so cute. 147 times, she is so precise. But if Jang keun suk follows me in twitter, i will break all the rules for him and start following him.

  6. Thank you so much as always Kaori Chan… ^_____^ Finally I could understand why he said ‘luv ya’ ^^ Love their conversation… I hope Becky will change her mind, and follow Suk as her 1st following… ^^

  7. Their encounter was so cute and even Becky’s message. I didnt even know how to use Twitter and didnt even care to use it til I discovered JKS…and this was even fairly recently. hahaha.

  8. Although I’m a YoonSuk shipper, I don’t mind Sukkie to expand his celebrity connections in other places. He’s really a lovable person. 🙂

  9. She’s a celeberity but she acted like a normal fangirl to Sukkie- Keun Chan infectious effect,no one can ever resist.

    I’m thrilled with his “luv ya” because I remember the times when I used “luv yah” to my letters and tweets to him..(felt like he read my letters & tweets) hahaha..

  10. Happy to see him looking good and healthy. Wow, Becky is so beautiful … she must be an eel by now. Sukkie really has that effect on everybody. He has just met her and he’s already telling her not to cheat on him … LOL

  11. Yahhh…that’s my boy!!! He can go flirty on every pretty girls…..but he wants EELs not to be kabayaki. Sukkie, Luv ya, too!!!!

  12. Thank you Kaori chan, now i can understand what they talking about. so happy to read their convo. and now that Becky follow him, must make him very happy. Will our Prince J will be the first and the One and Only she follow? Wooohooo that’s cool!!! \(^.^)/

  13. Becky and Sukkie tweeted each other today … looking forward to Tenshi’s translation of their tweets later tonight ^_^


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