[22.06.2012] Tree-J staff twitter


I finished earlier because everyone helped me! Thanks everything!
모두가 도와줘서 일찍 끝났다! 모두모두 감사합니다!

I’ll show you photos I found googling! — Between a boy and a young man
구글링하면서 찾은 사진 대방출! – 소년과 청년사이

I wonder he had an expression which was impossible to show at that age..
그 나이에 가능하지 않은 표정들까지 가지고 있었구나, 라는 생각을-

Yeah! Today! Good day!
그럼! 오늘도! 좋은 하루!

Which team can DJ using their original song in South Korea? Not using popular foreign vinyl (records), but using their own songs!!! A real artist!!! Who are they! That’s right, Team H!!
한국에서 자기들 오리지널 곡으로 디제잉할 수 있는 팀은 누구? 유행하는 외국곡 비닐로 깔짝대는거 말고 직접 만든 곡!!!으로 하는 진짜 아티스트!!! 누가 있냐고? 바로 팀 H!!

4 thoughts on “[22.06.2012] Tree-J staff twitter”

  1. The first few photo is awakening soul photo for me and have taken me into a deep thought too. It is a pure piece of art.JKS is amazing , simple and cool artist, I completely drawn into his world. Thank you for sharing it

  2. the pictures were the one included in the History of JKS DVD, right?..oh, i suppose it’s okay to share them now (?). ^^

  3. OMG……These pictures are to be my treasure. He looks PERFECT in every angles. I love black and white photos added as bonus.

    Thanks Kaori chan for sharing them here.


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