Where to watch live stream for Happy Camp on 2012-06-16

UPDATE: The starting time was confirmed 20:10pm (Beijing Time).

Here are a few links you can go to watch Jang Keun Suk’s special on Chinese variety show Happy Camp. It will be first aired on 2012-06-16 20:10pm (Beijing Time), and will have a re airing on the following Sunday 11:30pm

This the photo at the preparation room, Jang Keun Suk was with the MCs of Happy Camp and Jason




14 thoughts on “Where to watch live stream for Happy Camp on 2012-06-16”

  1. Sarah, Thanks for sharing the streaming site in China.. I’m looking forward to coming weekend to watch this as Sukkie on variety show is always so entertaining and I understand from Weibo & BaiduSukbar Chinese eels who attended the recording today, he is just too cute and entertaining!!!

  2. Look Jason’s tongue, he is copying Uri Prince’s label. Andwae! Not that cute as Sukkie. Sorry Jason, I’m an eel. hahahaha.

  3. THanks Sarah for sharing the links. I think they are bringing the time forward to Sat 19:35 and not 20:10 (which is the usual airing time). I wonder if this means the show will be longer than usual. I do hope so!

      • Yes Kaori chan, the timing is 8:10pm SG time = Beijing time tonight. No change and we can get ready by 8pm SG time for the live streaming..

  4. Oh ! God I just when through the three network given above for us to watch live stream for Happy Camp this coming saturday but is all written in mandarin is there any other network we can watch and its written in English ?

  5. Thanks for the links, Sarah! Hope streaming is good tonight and the site won’t bog down due to congestion. I’m crossing my fingers my internet connection would cooperate tonight. I’m excited watch it… the previews are hilarious! Very Sukkie! LOL! 🙂

  6. Is everyone ready for tonight !!! Be prepare for the show another 45 minutes to go…so get ready …….happy watching

  7. Please upload a video w/ english subs of this Happy Camp episode!!
    Thanks for sharing the link btw. :DD

  8. Thanks so much Sarah for sharing the streaming site …. it was so much fun watching Sukkie and it looked like he enjoyed himself tremendously too. Am so thankful that I can understand chinese …. and mind you, this is the first time I’m saying this … hahaha


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