[News] JKS recipe book will be published on June 10th



Jang Keun Suk who loves cooking will publish his original recipe book on June 10th. It includes 25 kinds of recipes and making DVD. You’ll see real JKS and his lifestyle reading through the book. Now I don’t know if it’ll be sold for overseas…

Part1: Let’s enjoy dating at home! Recipes for dating
Part2: Be careful about your health! Recipes for health
Part3: Nourishing, but super-easy recipes
Part4: Party, Right Now! Recipes for party
Part5: You must want to eat every day! Mother’s recipes


9 thoughts on “[News] JKS recipe book will be published on June 10th”

  1. Isn’t Sukkie just incredible ? Does he rest at all ? Frankly, I find it hard to keep up with him. Here I am, still trying to order the Lounge H, first tmpression CD and he is already going to release his own album in May. Not to mention Love Rain which he is still filming and now a cook book ! Of course, there is still a host of Cri shows for the rest of the year. Such a young man but already so driven. Sukkie, the superman !!! I do hope he takes good care of himself though.

  2. Recipe book? I’m amazed he still has time to cook! I thought he just eats chicken breast and fruits 😀

    Just looking at his waistline on the cover is a good enough reason to buy the book! mm… secret recipe to his waistline? ^^

    • Ohhhh … I would really want that waistline and wouldn’t mind those skinny legs too but doubt I can live on chicken breast and fruits ….

    • In Japan, it’s common among celebrities who love cooking to publish their recipe book. So I understand his recipe book will be issued. I wanna taste all the menus to imagine Sukkie cooks for me 😉

  3. He said he didn’t have much to do in Feb so he just watched movies at home and go out sometimes. I never believed him. He must have been busy doing the recipe book plus loads of other work. I read somewhere he is getting too thin and has orders not to travel until Love Rain is finished and must eat more. That’s the way to go! I want him to put some weight on.

    • Yes, yes, he is so skinny now ! His legs are skinnier than Yoona’s in Love Rain! He definitely needs to put on some pounds and I bet lots of eels are ready to feed and fuss over him ^^

  4. yup yup..totally agreed..princejks is too skinny but where does all his energy come from..still jumping as happy as ever 😀 how not to love this lovely exciting young man..of course he knows that he must take good care of himself so as to achieve his dream

  5. well i forgot..i wanted his cook book too but have english version? please do i am hoping in s’pore :'(

  6. HI JKS,
    you never been in LOVE and you have recipes for dating/ love ?!
    Very imaginative!
    You are so thin, I think you need some carb, and maintain a heathy body ( 6 pack abs) instead of skin and bone .


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