19 thoughts on “[Art gallery] Hand-drawn by Moniy”

  1. I believe she has done another drawing of our Prince. It’s even more stunning. I’ve come across it on line, and thought it was a photograph at the first glance.

    • farina dear..you absolutely know what my desired .. 🙂 i more and more craziest with this guy..especially his cute smile when he down while blushed..but im so curious about suk answer the chinese girl question thus make interpreter seemed shy…

      • Cherry, he gave me goosebumps when he gave those shy glances! And that prank he played at the end of the hug…..wahahahaha!!!! So naughty!!

    • Farina, THANKS!!! this is really a wonderful preview of his coming show on China TV on 29th July.. really hope all will enjoy this show when broadcast as he is so cute & natural ^_^
      Cherry, I read article on this interview, the host actually asked Sukkie if he is allowed to go back in time, at what age he wants to.. he mentioned 4-5 years old & reason? ^_^… he said he can hold his mum’s hand & go into the common bathroom for women… LOL… did someone said that to Mary in MMM right? (seem every drama with Sukkie has a part of real him in the script!)

      • QQ, it’s either that or he ran out of ideas and borrow lines from the scripts! Lol!!!!!

      • QQeyes007, thanks for answered my curiosity…go into the common bathroom for women…??? Come on Suk…what the hell are you thinking about..Hahahaha….genius prank,truly briliant entertainer..cant hardly wait watc this show…
        Aphrael,eventually would you post his show on china tv with eng sub?? 🙂

  2. seeing her painting made a peaceful in my heart,
    she could bring warm smile & warm smile of our prince into her drawing.


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