[Music] English translation of the lyrics “夜明け前 (yoake mae; before dawn)”

Lyrics: H.U.B.
English translation: tenshi_akuma & Hazy from ECI

The night wind makes my heart ache.
I don’t know why, but suddenly I feel as if I would disappear (in the air).
I feel too lonely to sleep.

I wish I could open the door of this busy city and get out to the place closest to the sky.

Where is tomorrow?
We can’t go. We can’t fly. We can’t (even) see the future.

Even if you cry many times,
Even if your heart is broken dozens of times,
Even if night looks to last forever,
Even if you worry hundreds of times,
Even if you struggle thousands of times,
the sun rises today as usual.
Then, let’s try to start once more.

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