[Video] JKS “Caffebene” message

UPDATE: replaced the one with subtitles
Credits: KSC

*Translation in text of JKS Cafe Bene Video Message
Hello Everyone, I’m Jang Keun Suk, the new ambassador for Cafe Bene. I love drinking coffee on the daily basis. Compare to other stuff, I really like coffee a lot.
Maybe you have known that already?
Cafe Bene does not only have coffee, but also have delicious waffles. In the cafe it has incomparable serene calming atmosphere. So all friends can come to enjoy the pleasure and have a great time.
If you have time, please stop by at our cafe to get your “share” of happiness.
In the future, please come to our cafe more often.
Thank you very much!

caffebene official site

[24.03.2012] Tree-J twitter

Creits: Tree J Company, Saha twitter

24 Mar 10:40am
<사랑비> 시사회 현장도우미 2분이 선정되셨습니다. 명단을 확인하시려면, 장근석 공식홈페이지 공지사항에서 확인하시기 바랍니다. 선정된 2분께는 답변 메일 드렸으니, 확인부탁드립니다. 신청하신분들 감사드립니다.
Translation: (Love Rain) Selection of 2 helpers for the website premiere. Check out the list of names in Jang Keun Suk’s official website. Those who are selected will be informed via e-mail. Please check it. Thanks for applying.

24 Mar, 10:00am
오늘 3월 24일(토) 오후 3시 5분, KBS 2TV에서, <특집다큐 신한류의 중심, 나는 장근석> 재방송합니다. 관심있는 장어분들께서는 챙겨보세요^^
Translation: Today, March 24(Saturday) 3.05pm, (“I am Jang Keun Suk” Documentary) will be aired on KBS 2TV. Eels who are interested, please watch it.