[News] Fan club celebrates Jang Keun-suk’s birthday with charity exhibition


A fan club of South Korean star actor Jang Keun-suk has thrown a charity photo exhibition to celebrate the star’s birthday, a local promotion agency said Tuesday.

To celebrate Jang’s 29th birthday, some 1,500 fans from home and abroad visited the two day event, held on Saturday and Sunday at the gallery in Cheongdamdong, central Seoul, according to the celebrity event promoter Ytree Company. Displayed in the exhibition are photographs of Jang, in addition to adorable artwork dedicated to the South Korean singer-actor, who has a large fandom throughout Asia, especially at home and in Japan.

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[Info] 2016 Jang Keun Suk birthday anniversary sharing photo exhibition

As CRI-J announced in advance as [2016-07-19] CRI-J twitter, JKS birthday anniversary sharing photo exhibition is going to be held this year as well. The details have been out.

Original source: http://m.blog.naver.com/dlqmslgk67/220778132605

We will have the 2016 JKS Benefit Photo & Fan Art Exhibition to celebrate his 30th birthday and to help the poor under his and his eels’ name.

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[2016-07-20] jksjapan twitter

All of the scheduled stages of Endless Summer have been done successfully^^* Thank you for your enthusiastic support! Let’s enjoy our endless summer together from now on!
Endless summer全ての公演が終わりました^^*熱い熱い応援ありがとうございました!まだまだ終わらない夏楽しみましょう♪

[2016-07-19] CRI-J twitter

[Sharing photo exhibition] 2016 Jang Keun Suk birthday anniversary sharing photo exhibition will be held on August 6 and 7! We hope many eels to join this event! (For more details, please check COMMUNITY FAN NOTICE on http://princejks.com)
[나눔 사진전] 2016장근석 생일기념나눔사진전이 8월 6일~7일 개최됩니다! 장어님들의 많은 참석부탁드립니다!(자세한 사항은 http://princejks.com COMMUNITY FAN NOTICE)

[2016-06-12] CRI-J twitter

[Daebak support] Today in the early hours after dawn “KSC” is supporting coffee truck!!! With the final episode around the corner, SBS Mon-Tue drama ‘Daebak’ shooting team is working very hard. Fighting till the end!!
[대박 서포트] 오늘 새벽부터 첫 커피차는 “KSC” 에서 서포트 하였습니다!!! 마지막 방송을 앞두고 열심히 촬영중인 SBS월화드라마 대박 촬영팀 화이팅!!

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[2016-06-11] CRI-J twitter

[Daebak support] For Today’s lunch “Amore” is supporting coffee truck!!! With the final episode around the corner, SBS Mon-Tue drama ‘Daebak’ shooting team is staying up late. Fighting till the end!!!
[대박 서포트] 오늘 점심 커피차는 “Amore” 에서 서포트 하였습니다! !! 막방을 앞두고 늦게까지 촬영 중인 SBS월화드라마 대박 촬영팀 화이팅!!

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