UPDATE1-1: about PayPal Recipient info error, please see the 5th step posted at the bottom of this post.
UPDATE1-2: about PayPal Recipient info shown on the final step, they corrected their previous error
UPDATE2: about your ID, if you’re CRI-J 5th member, you can’t continue using the same ID… In short, ID should be new. But you can still use the same nickname.
UPDATE3: added the useful info to indicate when you send money via PayPal.
UPDATE4: added e-mail address for inquiry
It’s time to apply for CRI-J 6th oversea membership! Most of the guidance posted on Princejks.com seems the same as our previous post [Notice-1] How to join JKS Official Fanclub Cri-J 6th in 2015, so this time we post only some directions you should be careful as the reminder. Please read our previous post and their website direction, too. I hope all of you can complete the procedure without problems.
*Note1: Application period for those who live abroad: Wednesday, October 29 ~ Sunday, November 2nd, midnight (Korean local time). You need to pay the membership fee via PayPal and within the application period.
*Note2: Payment should be done via PayPal.
*Note3: Your PayPal e-mail address must be the same as your membership e-mail address.
*Note4: You can choose just joining the member with USD22 or getting the membership goods with additional payment for shipping fee.
*Note5: How much you need to pay additionally for the goods, please check the attached file. (Download File)
*Note6: Don’t forget to apply with your own name! We will compare your information of your passport and photo with your actual face at events held in Korea. If there is a difference, you can’t enter the event or get the souvenir. Please register your name in English, the same as the one written in your passport.
*Note7: If you apply for the membership goods additionally, you need to write your address in English correctly as well.
*Note8: About ID, only alpha-numeric characters are acceptable. About nickname, only alpha-numeric characters and Hangul are acceptable. (You can’t use Japanese or Chinese characters.
*Note9: Even if you are CRI-J 5th member currently, you CAN’T USE the same ID. ID should be different from the one of CRI-J 5th. But you can continue using the same nickname. Sorry, we posted differently before. Unfortunately this was the truth.
*Note10: Do indicate your name, ID, nickname when you send membership fee that they can match the payment to your application. If you didn’t, don’t worry. As long as you used the same e-mail address between application and payment, it’s alright.
*Note11: If you have any questions, please contact them by e-mail (treej1987@naver.com) for all questions relating to the fan club. You can tweet to @JKS_cri_j3 too. Before asking questions, please check the latest notice posted on Princejks.com THOROUGHLY.
*Let’s apply for CRI-J 6th membership
1: Access their official fan club website Princejks.com and click ‘JOIN NOW!!’ in the image, or just click this direct link.
2: Click the link at the bottom of NOTICE page.
4: Select ‘Foreigner’ and fill in your info, then click ‘NEXT’ button. Please follow the step, seeing our notes.
5. Now you see the correct info on the screen. They corrected it now. Yay! Please pay your membership fee to “Recipient: 2015cri_j@naver.com / Chaelee Jang” .
The previous info shown on the screen was not for CRI-J 6th (2015 membership). If you paid your membership fee to 2014cri_j@naver.com. already, please contact them.
We hope you can complete the procedure without problems.
thank you I folowed this stepd ,I hope is alright ( cherry me for first time ) .
thank you for the instruction..Godbless to all!
Should create a New ID for CRI-J 6th , cannot use your ID for CRI-J 5th.
Thanks for the info. You’re right. Sorry, I posted wrongly. I changed the info above.
Paypal accepted this address 2015cri_j@naver.com – I did pay this way. I become a member first time. Me came email, for approval, From the (treej1987@naver.com).
I clicked the approval button in the mail.
Why can not enter the Princejks.com content.
Am I made an incomplete processing.
For new members!!! Or, on 1 January 2015, the Princejks.com entry is allowed.
Does it being done right now entrance? Please can you say me?
You can only enter Princejks.com. on 1 Jan 2015.
Thank you for the your reply.
So if we sent it via the application link to cri-j2014 do we go into our PayPal account now and to-do the payment and how will we know it is successfully being applied to our 2015 application? Or must we start the application process all over?
After sending the application, you have to make payment through your Paypal account.
After making payment, you will likely get a confirmation email that your application and payment is successful, but that email will come days later.
You can only access the website from 1 Jan 2015.
In your paypal payment:
You must use the same paypal email address as the email address provided in your application.
Do indicate the following details so that they can match the payment to your application :
– Name
– ID
– Nickname
Thanks for your follow-up. I added this above.
I meant to say to-do the payment and not “to-do”
Sorry, the auto correct keeps changing what I am trying to ask…must we re-send a new payment using the correct PayPal account for 2015 if we used the link in the application?
It’s their fault to leave the feature on the screen. I’m sure many failed to use it. So I think they have the solution now. Please ask your question directly via email (treej1987@naver.com) and tweet to @JKS_cri_j3
I need a help…. I was filling the form.. But I don’t have family name. Without family name I can’t proceed.. What will I do??
I’m afraid you misunderstand family name. Family name is your last name, your surname. Everyone has it, I suppose. You don’t have your passport? If you have, there is an answer. If you don’t have, please ask your father, mother or brother and sister. For example, Jang Keun Suk. Jang is his family name. Keun Suk is his first name. We can call him Mr. Jang.
Yhe.. That was my mistake.. I have completed the first 3 steps. After 3rd step when I click Apply it didn’t went to the 4th step. Instead a new white blank page displayed. I thought I got stuck, so I reload the page, then it went back to the 3rd step itself. Then I filled the fields in 3rd step again and click on apply. Then again the blank page appeared. I couldn’t do the 4th step. So after close the page I tried to register again, the a message saying “your email has already registered” displayed. What will I do?? Is there any problem??
Try to log in in Cri J6 with your ID and pasword. When I try to do that I get the 4th step- picture, with message :”Application is in progress. ” (The message is in korean.) If you don´t get 4th step that way send an email to treeJ. You can send an email to treeJ anyway if you are not sure if everything is ok. Don´t worry you will fix it.
Amrutha Benny,
Maybe they might change the screen because the previous one misled many eels to 2014 PayPal info. Don’t worry. Please continue your payment step. Go to PayPal website and pay the membership fee with your ID, nickname and registered e-Mai info. Please see Note10 above.
I want to ask if there is a possibility to join payment to my friend . She don’t have a valid card to have a PayPal account . so how can I do to pay for her ?
Thank you for all the effort you do
In this case, I think she put your e-mail address as PayPal e-mail address. And when you pay for her on PayPal site, you should mention this is for your friend. and her name, ID, nickname and registered e-mail address. Plus, you paid for your own membership fee, too. I know last year other eels did the same things, but the reason why they mentioned this method must be it will take time to match the payment for the application easily. But if you mention it clearly, I think it’ll work well. At the same time, I think it’s better to send e-mail to them and tweet to @JKS_cri_j3 too. Good luck!
Thanks so much for your reply
I want to precise that my PayPal account and my email I will use them to join also . so how I can do to help my friend join too
Karima, for Princejks.com membership, each member must have a unique e-mail address. Two members can not register with same e-mail address at princejks.com Your friend will need her own e-mail address to join the membership. However, from Tenshi’s reply, it appears that you will be able to pay for her membership via your paypal account and mention her name, ID, nickname and her registered e-mail address in your paypal transaction for her in the notes section.
Thanks so much
Dear Amrutha
Step 4th is regarding payment which the link is no longer active as there is some error. Actually, after registration (which you already done)you need to go to your paypal account to make your payment to 2015cri_j@naver.com and wait for they confirmation.
Hopefully this info can help you and see you in OFC.
Cathy, Tenshi and zoe, thanks for ur replies.. As zoe said I try to login, but I couldn’t. As Cathy and Tenshi said, I hope there will not be any problem. To send money I don’t have paypal. So one of my friend in ECI will do that for me (as group)..
Cathy it happen to me I”m Orasinee Ratanaarporn did apply up to step3 then go blank on step4 then I go back to PayPal and try to send payments PayPal do not recognize this domain @naver.com I input 2015cri_j@naver.com still don’t go through,then I email twice to treej1987@naver.com I hope they will help me out
hello everyone!here i am again.i had a question regarding to the time you gave to get in on the official fans club of prince sukkie..is there any possibility to extend the day of membership??
,but i will understand if ever you cannot do the extension..Thank you so much!!! Godbless to all..
i am really interested to join in this club but i have a problem about having a bank account to connect to my paypal account.i got apply to have a bank account last week but there some problems that they cannot process my request to have it,so they told me to have for next week..im too worried that i cannot join here because of payments problem,.hoping for the extension if possible
Bethsky, I won’t know about the extension, only Tree J can answer that. I just wanted to let you know that you can use a credit card also with paypal. It need not be only a bank account. When you go to paypal, it gives you options to link a bank account, credit card, and I think a debit card too (not sure about debit card). If you have a credit card, you can just link that to your paypal account and pay the membership fees. The expense will show on your credit card statement. All the best!! I hope you can register your membership.
thank you Abha for that kind information..even credit card i don’t have either because i never use that before.that’s my biggest problem,haha.. any way i will find another way to make it happen.. hope i can make it before it ends..thank you so much..FIGHTING!!!
HiBethsky! You can buy one of these gifts cards for buying thing on internet. I´m sure you have it in Italy too. We can buy “Spend on” visa gift card in my country. You can just buy gift card for the amount you need. I use it when I buy things on internet, and don´t want to use my credit card. It´s posible to use it in paypal too.
Hope you have manage to fix it. If not, send email to TreeJ. Last year were 2 periods for joining CriJ5 because many eels have ask about that. TreeJ can´t help you if they don´t know you have a problem. Good luck. Really hope you will fix it.
Zoe,I am not sure about the gift card,I never heard here in Italy. But I tried to ask money from my friend to send it on my PayPal account, and I had received the money as pending balance,,can I use it for the payments??? I’ve tried to register on the official fans club yesterday and it says that my membership application is on progress, but I’m not done yet for the payments because I dont know if possible to use the pending balance..do you think it is ok that my payments will be delay for a few days??? And I emailed also Tree j company about the extension of registration but I think they haven’t read my message yet,and still waiting for their reply..any way thanks for giving so many ways about the PayPal matter..It really helps a lot..thank you again..
Sorry Bethsky, I really don´t know if you can pay when money is in panding balance. You have applayed for membership, and send email to TreeJ, and you will pay it maybe already tomorrow. It looks ok to me. But I really don´t know. Only TreeJ can answer that. It probably will be ok in the end.
it’s ok Zoe,i really appreciate your help. and i’m sorry for having so many question because this is my first time to join, :).. maybe i should email again the tree j company that i’m done with my application and tell them about my payments for the membership fee.by the way, i’m confused after doing all the 4 step of registration, should i log in to my paypal account and send money to the said email address for the payments??am i right to my understanding?? or should i just click the BUY NOW button on the upper beside paypal??because everytime i click on it the old recipient had appear on the screen..thank you so much and sorry if i had so many questions..
You are welcome, Bethsky.
I just paid from my PayPal account to 2015cri_j@naver.com and wrote amount, and what I paid for, my name and address. You should probably write your ID and nick name too. I didn´t write that, but they have found me.
Thank you so much Zoe, now I understand what I really need to do about this application.thanks a lot..Godbless and more power..
Ya hice mi pago, tuve muchos problemas con mi tarjeta de crédito pero al final lo he logrado!!!! hasta mi esposo tuvo que correr para ayudarme, Estoy tan feliz, me siento como una niña en nochebuena y ya tengo 38!!!! Te amo Príncipe!!! Te envío un beso desde Venezuela y gracias a todas aquí que me ayudaron con su información a realizar el proceso.
I already made my payment, I had many problems with my credit card but in the end I succeeded !!!! until my husband had to run to help me, I’m so happy, I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve and I’m 38 !!!! I love you Prince !!! I send you a kiss from Venezuela and thanks to all who helped me here with your information to complete the process.
Are there really no more foreign members for 2015? I’ve never joined a fan site and wanted to support.
Hello Dear Tenshi,
I am a recent fan of Mr. Jang and a trying to joing the JKS fanclub for 2016.
I wonder if there will be a chance for foreigners to join the JKS fanclub this year in a few days or weeks?
I think this may be the 7th (?) Flanclub membership?
Also, will we need to upload a picture of our passport or driver’s license to join the membership?
Thank you so much. I have been anxiously watching this board for any signs of fanclub application membership since it seems to last only a few days, but hopefully they will extend the application period like they did last year so the international fans can appply due to the time/day differene.
Thank you.
Tenshi – I wait with baited breath….
Hi Akiko,
At least, oversea fans could join their 6th member, so I hope next time will be the same. Please wait for their official announcement.
Tenshi -Thank you so much for your reply.
I just renewed my passport a few hours ago but probably won’t get it till the late November or December.
Here’s hoping I can use my driver’s license till then to apply!
I will wait for the official announcement!
You don´t need to upload your ID, Akiko. You just need to fill out the application when the time comes. And you will need paypal account to pay the membership fee. Don´t worry, everything will be ok.
Zoe dear,
Thank you so much for your reply-
Since Tenso requires passport or Driver license, I thought we had to have passport also for the Korean Cri fanclub.
I thought – also – that if we were to buy tickets for the concerts in KOREA – we will have to have the exact same name used in the fanclub as on the passport – that is why I assumed we need to have the passport or ID pic uploaded to the fanclub….
Thank you for your cheery words!