Finally Tree-J has announced how to join Cri-J 6th in 2015 on For international eels (who are not living in Korea), you have a chance to be the member this year, too. We copied the guidance shared on the website in English here (adding some supplements). But, please check the original source, too. If you have any questions, please ask them directly. Of course, we can share some info here, too ^^ If there is any update or change, we’ll share the info in our blog, too. We hope everyone can complete the procedure without problems.
*Note1: Application period for those who live abroad: Wednesday, October 29 ~ Sunday, November 2nd, midnight (Korean local time). You need to pay the membership fee via PayPal and within the application period.
*Note2: Access their official fan club website and click ‘Detailed information for other language’ in the image, or just click this direct link
[[Announcement for Joining Cri J 6th in 2015]]
Hi everyone, this is TreeJ company.
Eels can join Jang Keun Suk Official Fanclub – to become full members of Cri-J 6th.
Foreigners residing in Korea or abroad can use their Certificate Of Alien Registration number to join. You can use the same procedure as regular Korean members to join. However if you do not have Korean addresses for shipping, you have to follow a guideline for foreigners living abroad.
If you want to join, please check the notice below.
– Notice –
1. Joining Period.
: The period for those who live in Korea is different from that of those who live abroad.
ㅡ For those who live in Korea
Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014 ~ Sunday, October 26th, 2014 (midnight)
ㅡ For those who live abroad
Wednesday, October 29th, 2014 ~ Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 (midnight)
*** For all applicants under 14, a written consent of a parent is required.
2. Qualification for joining
: Everybody who loves and cheers for Jang Keun Suk
3. Membership period :The period applies to both Koreans and foreigners
ㅡ Thursday January 1st, 2015 ~ Thursday December 31st, 2015
4. Joining Fee (You have to make the payment within the registration period.)
ㅡ Those who live in Korea : 30,000 kw
: Kookmin Bank / 268801-04-185612 / 장채리(크리제이6기)
ㅡ Those who live abroad : 22$ (for ONLY membership fee)
: via Paypal / / Chaelee Jang
*** The prices mentioned above include the Paypal transaction fee.
: There may be additional costs depending on the cost of shipping the membership goods.
If you’re OK to pay additional costs for shipping, you’ll be able to get their official membership goods. See the total you have to pay for getting the item, using the attached file below. Ex) You’re from Philippines, you need to pay 60$ (membership fee 20$ + shipping fee 35$ + PayPal transaction fee 5$)
Please check the attached file(s). (Download File)
*** Your paypal e-mail address must be the same as your membership e-mail address.
5. Joining Procedure *Not open yet for eels living abroad
Step 1. Go to and fill out the application.
Step 2. Deposit the correct amount into our account, and you will receive a payment confirmation e-mail.
Step 3. Log in to
6. Privileges of full membership
ㅡ Online Service
: Can use fan club full members-only homepage (JKS Message, Photos, Videos, Step Blog)
: Can participate (only for full members) in on-line events
ㅡ Offline Service
: Will receive Cri-J third term full membership goods
(For foreign members, ONLY foreign members who ask for the goods can receive them.)
: Can acquire a priority to participate (only for full members) in off-line events
7. Things that you need to be aware of.
ㅡ You have to complete the procedure to join.
ㅡ You have to join using your own name. If you use another person’s name or a fake name to join, you cannot participate in any JKS fanclub event.
ㅡ If you are caught selling the fan club membership card and/or full membership goods, we will take legal actions and you will be banned from ever joining
ㅡ If you are under 14, you have to submit a written consent of a parent with your application and make the payment within the registration period.
ㅡ The full membership goods will be sent in January all at once.
ㅡ After becoming a member, we do not give refunds in any way, shape, or form.
*** We do not take questions over the phone. Please contact us by e-mail ( for all questions relating to the fan club. Before asking us questions, please check the notice THOROUGHLY.
*** Before asking us questions, please check the notice. If you ask questions that are easily answerable by looking at our notice, we will not reply.
I´m so happy that we too can get membership goods this time.

we cant register without money ?
If you want to be their official fan club member, you need to pay for the membership fee. If you can’t, please get his info though twitter, Facebook and our blog ^^
Thanks for this additional info… We are also helping some of our members in JKSPH group who wants to join but no pay-pal account… I hope that more new eels will join this
Can someone tell me their experience with this official fan club? I am overseas, so I am not sure if I should join this one or other JKS fan clubs. What are some of the activities from
Usually normal members of CRI-J ( is just to view his latest and exclusive pics or videos on the website. Such pics, videos and even infos are strictly prohibited to share outside the website. You can read his message to eels there. Normally he writes in Korean, but kind eels help to translate it under community page. There are fan community page in Korean, Chinese, English and Chinese. You’ll be able to communicate with eels there. If you’re interested in attending his show, being the member helps you to get tickets.
Of course, there are many unofficial fan club organized by fans. So you can join there and make friends.
Hi Kate, I’m also an overseas eel who doesn’t speak Korean and a member of CriJ5 (official FC/ website). Mainly I log in to check his latest message (though in Korean, google translate doesn’t help that much but still… knowing that he’s online and writing a personal message just for us eels… being able to type in my messages and knowing that there’s a slight chance he might read it, it’s already something to me). We can check exclusive pictures and videos which are not shared publicly. We can also check notifications (first hand information) from Tree J Staff or Cri J3 Staff (the Korean eels). During this one year period, we have shared information and arranged some activities (JKS’s birthday gifts, rice wreath information for charity etc) through the official website forum as well. This year there’ll be official merchandise option available for overseas eels (non Korean, Japanese or Chinese OFC eels), too. This is an improvement from last year, which means that Sukkie and Tree J want to facilitate his overseas eels more and more now
Thanks Tenshi and Noona for your detailed information! I am interested in joining his official fan club, but I don’t understand Korean. Can I ask a few more questions to you guys: Can you navigate smoothly (find his pics/videos, etc) without knowing any Korean? Also, do you feel like you have gotten as much a good experience on that web site as the Korean-speaking eels? I really appreciate your help
The navigation buttons are all in English and you just need to click them :). Of course the K-eels will have more benefits in terms of language, however when there are activities that could involve overseas eels, Cri-J staff would also post the info/ notice in English. For JKS’s personal messages, he would normally type in Korean, as it is his mother tongue and somehow it’s better to express his feelings by using the language he is more comfortable with. Some nice and hardworking eels would then translate his messages to English and we all could read the translation afterwards :). One thing that I adore the most from fellow eels is that we don’t seem to ‘group’ ourselves. For example, K-eels are so friendly and they could mingle well with overseas eels also through PrinceJKS website platform :). There are some activities that only K-eels can do in Korea e.g. regular voluntary work in Seoul on behalf of JKS but whenever it is possible for overseas eels to take parts, they would kindly let us know. So I personally feel helped and ‘closer’ to JKS as well as fellow eels by being a member of his OFC website :).
Hi Noona. Wow you got me excited about JKS’s Korea official fan club!
Seems like it’s very international eels friendly, which is a MAJOR plus. Can’t wait to join! ;). Thanks again for all your information! It really helped me decide to join.
hello everyone,
by joining on geun suk’s official fans club,is it valid for a lifetime membership?what about for those who are not already an eel(those who are just visiting this site),they can be an eel first before joining to the official fans club of geun suk?is the official fans club conducts an activity for some bonding moments with geun suk and to his fans even for those who live in abroad?thanks a lot..more power!!
I’d like to know that too – Does Keun Suk interact with eels on
The membership period is one year. So you need to apply every year with yearly membership fee. But they only recruit the new members in a limited period, so if you miss the time, you need to wait for another one year. If you’re interested in attending his concerts or fan meeting from other countries, it’s helpful to get the tickets. Even you don’t plan to, you can read his exclusive messages, staff blogs, and pics and videos only for the official members. Such pics, videos and even infos are not allowed to share in public. When JKS logs in the website to leave his message or just view your comments, ‘ON’ mark on the website shows that he’s online now.
If you’re not his eel yet, like our blog, many fan blogs or his official twitter and Facebook help you to share his latest info.
Thanks a lot tenshi _akuma for explaining it clearly by joining on geun suk’s official fans club. I’m interested to join (hopefully I can make it). It really helps a lot!! But there’s another question that popped up to my mind,I hope you don’t mind, if we already filled up an application,is there a due date to pay for membership fee?? I mean is, we have to pay it within a day or you will give us a week to pay it??how much it in euros? Because I live here in Europe(Italy) and I don’t have any idea about the conversion of the amount,,thanks again!!
First of all, all payments should be done by PayPal. So if you don’t have the PayPal account, you need to prepare before the registration period starts. Usually PayPal converts your currency to the specific one, so this time I think you need to type 22USD on PayPal website, then proper amount will be deducted from your bank account.
One more thing, if you are from Italy, did you check this post before? Our ECI friends from Italy and other European countries organized a big project before. You can contact with them if you need any help. Good luck!
P.S. Payment should be completed within the application period. PayPal is online service, so usually after you fill in all info on, then you go through the payment procedure on the Internet.
hello tenshi,
i do appreciate your effort for explaining i feel relieved and fully understood the procedure.a million thanks to you. you’re nice and kind..
Bethsky, “eel” means just Sukkies fan, someone who loves and care about JKS. If you feel that you are his eel then you are his eel. Bonding moments with JKS are his fan meetings. You can get help to buy a tickets on
I´m “overseas” too, and very far away from East Asia. I have never attended his concert or fan meeting, but I hope that I will do that one day. I just want to say that it´s a special feeling reading Sukkies messages and watching the videos and pictures that are for his fans only.
He has for instance recomand us some vidoes he likes. Sometimes when Cri J organize something JKS makes a short video only for CriJ. I thought it would be for chinese eels only but we have seen “JKS dances on th Great Wall” video too.
We have for instance seen some videos from Zikzin Radio recording. And you can answer him too if you want. The eels also shares sometimes stuff you can´t see other places. CriJ organize aktivies but it´s not easy for us who lived far from Korea to participate. I don´t know what expectations you have. It´s not like that something happens every day, but it´s our bond to Sukkie.
I will apply for next year too. I will apply every year as long as Sukkie has fan club.
Zoe, yes I really love Prince Sukkie, and we have the same dream is to watch Prince Sukkie on his concerts live and meet him in person and I’m agree to you that it’s hard for us who living in abroad to do those things. And I know it really helps us to be updated to our prince by joining on the official fans club. I would like to say thank you for giving an info about the activities and updates that we can see on a made me feel too excited to know everything about geun suk..thank you guys!!
You´re welcome Bethsky.
I´m from Europe too (Norway).
22 dollars are 17,23 euros BTW.
I´m glad you and Kate want to join.:)
thanks zoe for the info..btw have you been registered as ECI before you joined on official fans club?
Ciao Beth! Se sei interessata ad iscriverti al Cri J, noi del fan club italiano possiamo aiutarti. Contattaci sulla pagina ufficiale
Ciao Eva, mi sono interessata, ma non sapevo come fare. mi potete aiutare? verso paypal,posso usare una postepay?non ho altro..scusatemi perche non ho parlato bene la lingua italiana perche io sono filippina.grazie mille!
I joined CriJ 5 last year. Would someone please let me know how I can continue my membership? Do I pay the membership fees every year with the same ID?
I’ve been having problems reading the “JKS Message” from Is there any translations available for his messages? When I click the “Select language” option at the top right corner, it will translate the message into English but the meanings are all weird. I’d really love to understand his messages. Hope someone can help me out! Thanks in advance!
The membership period is one year. So you need to apply every year to renew your membership. I think you’ll use the same ID when you apply for CRI-J 6th. About his message, kind eels post the translation under community page. Please check there.
For eels in North America (Canada, USA, and Mexico), please check out We will be happy to help you with this.
thank you grils for all your information .
Does anyone know what kind of gift will be part of the membership this year? And what gift did he give out last year?
Dear Tenshi!!!Thank you for sharing information. We do not have to get gifts, is not it?
Only paying membership fees(22$), – membership can we get?
Dear Tenshi!!!Thank you for sharing information. We do not have to get goods, is not it?
Only paying membership fees(22$), – membership can we get?
Because some eels is shipping charges difficulty in paying.
So that it would be easy for them membership.
They after then can get goods.
For eels in Spain, please check out |
We will help you!
I love so much,,fighting:-)
I want to see u always successful,,,ok ,:-) good luck
Hi Tenshi, I registered for the Cri-J 6th membership and I also got the goods. I hope I did the right thing by just adding the amounts that was stated. I hope I will receive an email from Tree-J soon.