Wow, Weibo followers is over 15 million!!!! As promised will go to Great Wall. Let’s go!!!
哇 微博粉丝超过1500万!!!! 按照约定去长城 出发!!!
아싸 웨이보 1500만 돌파!!!! 약속대로 곧 만리장성으로 출발!!!
Reward photos, big given!!!
福利照 大 放出!!!
서비스샷 대 방출!!!
Finally they are out!!! Use 1 year and two months to produce, 300 Zikzin brick bears! Only 300!!! haha!!
终于出来了!!制作时间1年2个月300个ZIKZIN 暴力熊!限定300个!!哈哈!!
드디어 나왔다!! 제작기간 1년 2개월!! 300프로 직진 베어브릭 한정 300개!!!! 앗싸!!
Eels, I love you… I miss you very much…
鳗鱼们 我爱你~我很想你们~
만 위먼 워아아니~ 워 헌 썅 니먼러~
I want to drive car in China too.
我想在中国也开着车跑 呜(翻译:土土)
@张根硕: 중국에서도 차타고 달리고 싶당 ㅠ
No LP Player, that’s a problem. kkkkkk
没有LP Player是个问题ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (翻译:土土)
@张根硕 : 엘피플레이가 없는게 문제 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
If I manage to buy the LP…I will buy a player esp….I swear…kkkk
Is he finally going to the great wall…it bound to happen very soon otherwise he would not mention this… maybe X-mas or New Year…guessing of course….whoohoo
He has so many limited edition stuff…only few eels are so lucky
At this rate of increase of 1million new followers on weibo every month, he better starts hunting for a house in China soon. He will hit 20 million followers by May 2014 or even earlier…..Fighting my prince.
who can resist his charm…. uri prince..jyo zikzin!!
thank you
グンちゃん 가득 고맙다 (#^.^#)멋진 おもいで 고맙다 (#^.^#)최고에 행복해요
I swear, I’ll die if he wears an apricot scarf, gavotting on the Great Wall. OMG, can’t imagine anymore, i am running out of breathhhh.
Please welcome “Ryan Bang” of Showtime in the Philippines!!!!